Under cover

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Takes place during season one

The team was ready, everyone was coming down the stairs to slide into the limos. First came Skye in a magenta dress with a deep-v neckline and an open back, her wavy hair left down. Ward shortly followed in a black suit. A very... nice black suit. The kind that made Skye very happy that Ward was going to be her undercover boyfriend. Next came Fitz. He was also in a suit. It was a deep charcoal grey, and his eyes looked bright. Like always, Simmons trailed just behind him. She made Fitz gape. Simmons was dressed in a tea length teal dress that had a scalloped scoop neckline and hem. Her hair was pulled back, except for the two curly strands framing her face, which was painted delicately with make up. She was smiling from ear to ear as Fitz took her arm as she took her last step of the stairs, explaining that he was preparing for their undercover part. They were to be a sweet (And wealthy. You had to be to get into this party) newly wed couple who happened to be in Prague for their honey moon. Next came Coulson. He was in a navy blue suit and Skye whistled goofily as he walked down the steps. Lastly came May. She was dressed in a stunning black dress with silver details and a slit up the thigh. As everyone playfully oohd and awed, something rather unexpected happened. Melinda May tripped down the stairs in her 4 inch heels. If the team hadn't known better, they would have laughed. Everyone except for Coulson, who had known May far too long to forget how clumsy she secretly was in heels. He laughed.

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