The Agent/Science Babies Being Adorable

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The title is pretty self explanatory. Just the team early in season two, a little bit after Jemma gets back from hydra. Basically the unseen five seconds where everything was right with the world.  The story is sort of in sections  based on ships. I gave Fitz and Simmons some non-existent closure.                                                                                                       

Jemma Simmons was more that ecstatic to be amongst her friends, her family, once more. As she sat on the couch, she was taken aback at how naturally everyone seemed to fit. Their grooves and edges sliding into place like one big puzzle. Even Director Coulson had come down to visit. The newer members seemed to be friends as old as the rest of them: Mack, Hunter, Bobbi, all of the Koenig brothers. There was only one person missing, and she knew just where to find him. "I'll be right back, just going to the lab." Jemma announced before rising and leaving the group of friendly faces to find the most familiar one around.

"It's so weird." Skye observed, taking another lazy swig of beer.

"What?" asked Bobbi.

"Seeing Simmons but not Fitz. I mean, before now, I think I've only ever seen them apart like, twice." Skye answered, a solemn look on her face as she did.

"It's true." May added from the chair she was sharing across the room.

"For  a couple of the first days I knew them, I couldn't seem to remember which one was which since they were always referred to together, so I called them Fitzsimmons, and it just stuck." Coulson noted from the same chair that was half occupied by Melinda May.

They all gave a small laugh, some in amusement, and some in agreement about not being able to remember which one was which. There was a small lull in the conversation, and everyone soaked up the comfortable silence. "You guys really seem like you were a little ragtag family." Mack observed his spot on the couch next to Bobbi.

"We still are," Skye explained, "Coulson and May just keep expanding." Coulson shot her one of his
'Skye we are top ranking agents in S.h.i.e.l.d. and we do not adopt agents' looks.

In The Lab: Fitz was bent over the table fiddling with one of his many gadgets when Simmons walked into the room. As she approached him, he looked up.

"Oh.. Uh- Hi, uh, Hi Simmons." He mumbled looking back down. "You know... I uh- I just, ummm..." Fitz's hands began trembling as he fished for the words on the tip of his tongue. Before he had a chance to continue however, Simmons simply pushed her finger to his mouth and smiled slightly. Then she extended her hand.

In The Lounge: There was a rattle mixed with a clinking noise as light poured from the refrigerator that Trip had just opened. "Damn, you know, I'm really loving this whole sitting around on the couch and drinking thing." He stated as he plopped back down on his seat. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. Then, slowly everyone drifted off into their own smaller conversations. They were all silently interrupted when Fitzsimmons strolled into the room, side by side, and sat down on a chair together, Fitz in the seat and Simmons perched on the arm of the chair.  "Hi." Fitz greeted shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"See," Simmons began, nudging him on the shoulder, "They won't bite."

"I know that." Fitz replied irritably.

As they wandered off into their own Fitzsimmons sort of conversation, everyone else began to chat nonchalantly once more.

Coulson And May: "I'm glad to see that those two still have some sort of connection." Coulson commented as he surveyed the room.

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