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May: I almost smiled at the scene before me, almost. The team had decided to set up a makeshift movie theatre in the recreational room. Many pillows from the storage room were piled on the floor, bowls of popcorn and candy peppered the room, and the team was the happiest I had seem them, well, perhaps ever. My eyes flickered first to him. He was smiling, and his tie was loose, and a smile spread on his face as he watched the kids giggling and throwing popcorn and pillows at one another. "Hey, May!" Skye called, spotting me. The team turned to face me, looking at me with expectant eyes. I raised my eyebrow. Skye stuck out her bottom lip. I strolled over to the mess. Coulson motioned to the pillow next to him, and I obliged.

"Apparently we're watching the best movie ever." Coulson explained with a goofy grin.

"Mmm." I replied nodding.

I glanced over at Fitzsimmons. They were laughing at one another as they pelted each other with M&Ms.

Simmons: I giggled as I hit Fitz with a peanut butter M&M, which he promptly popped into his mouth. He grinned at me cheekily, and I smiled back. "Time to start the movie guys." Announced a voice from behind me: Skye. She was sat right next to Ward, her arm wrapped around his. The two had been close lately, suspiciously close.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the screen lighting up. I leaned back against the couch and cuddled up to Fitz, who looked down at me surprised. Apparently he was fine with it though because he wrapped his right arm around my shoulder. "You do know there are such things as physical boundaries Fitzsimmons?" Coulson said from behind us.

"I don't know what you could mean by physical boundaries Sir." Fitz replied nestling his chin into my hair.

Coulson only rolled his eyes.

Skye: I cuddled up into Ward's arms. Oh my god, his biceps. I felt him smile against the back of my hair. Physical boundaries... Ridiculous! Besides, Coulson was most certainly one to talk...

May: We were twenty minutes into the movie when my back got tired from sitting so frigidly. I was already being smushed into Coulson by the kids anyways... So, I slowly rested my head on his shoulder. I could feel him glance at me, smile, and return to the movie. When Skye started passing out blankets he took one and spread it over the two of us. Ten minutes after that, there was no point anymore; I snuggled up to him entirely. Once he wrapped his arms around me, I knew I was a goner. Gradually, I nodded off to sleep. Finding Nemo was a good movie, but I had seen it several times before.

Simmons: We were half way through the movie, and completely out of snacks. Granted, a small part of it had mysteriously disappeared when all of us were throwing it at each other, but we were out all the same. So, I stood up to go get some snacks. Fitz looked up at me as if deciding whether or not to move. He silently decided and rose, following me into the kitchen. "Just getting some more snacks." I called to the team, mainly to Skye, who whistled and raised her eyebrow.

Once we were in the kitchen, I started grabbing bags and emptying out the contents into the glass bowls I brought from the make shift theatre. As I grabbed the family sized bag of Cheetos, I felt a warm hand touch the back of mine, squeezing it slightly and removing the bag and placing it on the counter. I turned around to face Fitz, and the tip of my nose bumped into his. Oops. I didn't realize we were so close. Fitz exhaled slightly, smiling. Oh, how I loved his smile. I was about to pull back when his hand gingerly brushed my cheek, and his other rested on the small of my back, pulling me even closer still. I smiled too as I felt the warmth radiating off of him as he pulled my mouth to his. We sunk into the kiss, his soft lips tugging lightly at mine. I pulled away slightly for just a moment, because I couldn't stop smiling. As soon as I did, he gathered me up in his arms and brushed his hand through my hair, whispering tender nothings in my ear. I shivered. He gave me his sweater. I kissed him again. He told me he loved me.

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