How 2x04 Should Have Ended

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"Whatever happens, I'll take care of you, that's my plan." May finished, looking pleased with herself.

"That is without question, the sweetest, most selfless thing anyone has ever wanted to do for me." Coulson replied, looking grateful. "But I need you to forget all that and kill me as ordered."

"No." May replied, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I will not shoot you in the head. I will never shoot you in the head."

"May, I need you t-" he was cut off by May.

"God Phil, don't you get it? I need you!" She almost yelled. "I need you." she repeated, whimpering. "You've already died once. That killed me even though we hadn't seen each other in a few years. I can't... I don't want you to... I l- You mean a lot to me, a lot." She repeated the words she said to him that day when everything went to hell.

"Melinda," her breath caught at the sound of her first name, "I only ask you to do this because I trust only you."

"Look, you already broke your promise!" May snapped.

"What promise?" Coulson asked.

"Do you remember, back when we were partners, that mission in Paris? You took a bullet in the arm, scared the hell out of me. That evening you promised me-"

"That I would die first, so that you wouldn't have to be at my funeral." He finished, knowing the story quite well.

"You can't break it a second time." May whimpered, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"I know." Coulson replied simply.

He took a stride towards May and gently wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on the top of her head, smelling her hair. "I know." He whispered into her hair. She pulled back slightly, so that she could look at him. He gingerly stroked her cheek, and pulled her head towards him, touching their foreheads together.

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