Favorites and Christmas Cookies

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Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted any new ones for a while. I'm sick, so I've been forced to lay down and write a bit. :) I'm sorry this one's super long, but I didn't want to split it into different parts. I sort of started thinking of Christmas earlier (it's a long story) but anyways, here it is: A Christmas themed one.

If you were to ask Daisy "Skye" Johnson who her favorite member of the team was, she would have replied indignantly, "I have no favorites!" However, in her mind she would think "Duh, Coulson."

Coulson would reply with a simple "My team is my family. They're all my favorite." And this would be true (although he did have softer spots for some more than others).

Fitz would respond with "Simmons", undoubtedly.

Bobbi wouldn't be able to choose between Hunter, Mack, and Simmons.

And Agent May would have stared you down although secretly, it would be only because she couldn't decide between Coulson and Skye.

So, when asked to choose someone to get a Christmas present for, the agents were all in a flurry. They all decided that, as to avoid too much money spent, and too many gifts to keep track of, no agent should give out more than two gifts, and that gifts should be small (in value, not necessarily size). So, as to avoid any more confusion than necessary, the agents all went through the process of secretly selecting who they would give their presents to.

As Christmas crept closer, unbeknownst to the busy SHIELD team, they stored away their boxes and bundles in the closets and drawers of their bunks and forgot. It was Skye (of course) who recalled the impending holiday first. "So, you guys ready for Christmas yet?" she asked casually one day in the rec room.

This question received varied responses. Some gulped, others nodded warily, there were a few "yup"s and of course, a dead pan from May. "Don't tell me you guys forgot Christmas!" she exclaimed giddily. It was rare to see the agents nervous, let alone about a holiday. "You know what?" she began, "I have an idea." There was an overall grown. "Hey!" she pouted.

"Anyways, let's decorate the base!" Silence.

"You're joking right?" Hunter asked.

"I am most certainly not!" Skye replied.

The idea was later brought to Coulson, who only barely under the influence of Skye's pouty lip, approved. So, the base was decorated; e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. There was tinsel and boughs of evergreen and fake holly berries and (begrudgingly) mistletoe. Luckily, May hadn't yet fallen prey to the alleged "hell plant". Due to the fact that just about everybody bar the eight of them were out on missions or visiting families, no one complained.

The Christmas spirit was spread. Simmons and Fitz were caught humming Christmas Carols, and Mack and Hunter went out in search of a tree. Of course, they came back with a tree taller than Mack himself, but nobody minded. It reminded Skye of snow the way the Christmas sensation covered everything in a blanket. It reminded others (who will remain un-named) of a disease.

One day, about three days before said holiday, Skye awoke to a sweet smell wafting into her bunk and a clatter of pans in the small kitchen. She wandered out in her Santa slippers and shuffled through the cold hallways of the playground to find a surprising sight: Melinda May sipping a mug of tea and looking triumphantly at a tray of freshly baked cookies on the counter. "Hey there little elf." Skye greeted groggily.

"I'm not an elf." May replied.

"May, it's like 4:00 in the morning."

"It's 4:17 and I'm not an elf."

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