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The holotable in the lab cast a blue light on Jemma's face as she worked on the latest specs. She smiled as she turned to see Fitz, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was getting better, much better. He had finally worked up the courage to ask her to go out on a date, and they were both absolutely giddy ever since. Fitz looked up, catching Simmons' eye as he did. They locked their sights on one another and grinned. Fitz took a stride towards Simmons, resting his hand gingerly on her cheek. She nestled her head into his hand. "Hey uh, uh--- Jemma?" he began nervously.

"Yes Fitz?" she returned, her eyes wide.

"Can I uh- may I... I was wondering if... Can I kiss you Jem?" He finally asked, taking a deep breath.

"Oh Fitz. Of course you can kiss me. You don't have to ask every time!" Simmons replied, her smile widening.

"Oh, umm... Okay then." Fitz said, grinning, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and blushing slightly. He gently leaned into Simmons and let his lips touch hers, running his hands through her hair gently, so as not to tangle or mess it up. After they pulled away, they just stood there in each other's embrace, Fitz whispering soft nothings and I love yous into her ear.

"Fitz," Simmons said, staring deep into his bright blue eyes, holding his head in her hands," you can always kiss me."



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