Chapter I: The One Who Will Be King Of The Pirates

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"We are so dead..."

Exasperation dotted your handsome face as you held onto the mast, sighing as the boat was being pulled in by a massive whirlpool. Never would you have believed it if somebody told you that this was how your story would end, just as it was beginning. Your dream to chronicle the adventures of the greatest pirate crew in history seemed so far away, your fantasies of becoming the greatest pirate hero of the seas gone with the wind...

Still, you were glad that you hadn't let Luffy go on such a dangerous yet grand adventure all on her lonesome. You couldn't bear the thought of losing someone you grew up with, someone you could call your best friend when you could've, at the very least, been there even if you couldn't do much of anything to save yourselves. And so here you were. About to die to the ocean you so loved.

But you couldn't call yourself a Sparrow if you weren't able to get out of this situation alive, now could you? Stuffing your notebook on the garter of your pants, you stuff Luffy inside of a barrel. Why? Because this was your ingenious plan to get out of the situation alive. Searching for something else to stuff yourself into, you found... absolutely nothing that could be used for that. Why did you guys not bring more stuff, anyways? Ah, well, alright then. Lifting the keg with one arm, you threw it far away from the whirlpool, before jumping after it with the cover in your hand as you landed inside of it.

First off, this was incredibly tight, and you could feel yourself rubbing against the sleeping Luffy. This barrel definitely wasn't built to store two people inside, but you had to make do with it for now to survive so you had to bear with it. Second, that show of strength made you tired, so now you were falling asleep. As you fell into slumber, you felt something wrap around you, something incredibly comfortable as you dozed off into the land of dreams...


"Huh? Whuh?!" Something soft colliding with your face caused you to regain consciousness.  "YAWN! I wos haven a great nap. Wha gives?"

"Sorry, (Y/n)!" Getting out of the barrel, Luffy apologised as she peered inside, seeing you wriggling around like a worm as you complained. "What happened to our ship?"

"Lost it." Blinking repeatedly, you pushed your back against the innards of the barrel, causing it to fall over, turning it to its side. Now that the opening was to to your side, you rolled out of it like a ball before crashing into something.

In one fluid motion you were now stood in front of Luffy, who was currently being pointed with swords by two guys. Opportunity! Taking the notebook on your hip titled 'Tales of the Great Pirate King', and a pencil from your pocket, you began to write down the encounter as you stepped to the side... except that something soft was blocking your path, so you tilt your head downwards to find a fat man sleeping on the floor. Using your foot to push him away, you turned to look at Luffy as you pointed at the guy with your thumb.

"Who's this bozo?"

"Dunno, but if he sleeps there he's gonna catch a cold, y'know."

""She did that!""

"Oh really?! Nice one, Lu!" Scribbling down what you thought had happened, you pay no attention to the swords in front of your face and the one behind you. No doubt they were pissed off and trying to be threatening. Unfortunately for them, you gave exactly zero shits.

"Are you toyin' around with us even when you know we're pirates?!" The shorter one of the two exploded into a fit of rage, and you give him a short once over alongside his companion. 

Your brows furrowed, closing your notebook as you tap him on the nose with your pencil. "You guys don't look intimidating enough to be pirates, though?"

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