Esoteric vs Exoteric

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Above you will find two graphs explaining the difference between esoteric and exoteric

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Above you will find two graphs explaining the difference between esoteric and exoteric. Below I also give some comments on the differences between the two, as well as the emphasis on Esotericism.

Change occurs on two levels, externally and internally. Whatever you do or say is either affecting others or yourself (or sometimes both). However, in order to help others sufficiently, one must increase and improve one's self. When I mention esoteric, it often brings to mind secret symbols and ancient texts written in dead languages, tucked away somewhere in a hidden vault for us to find. Of course, esotericism is so much more. Think of it like this: you are looking for your wallet. You think you may have dropped it at a local park or maybe on the sidewalk. You look near and far, but alas, to no avail. All hope seems lost until you decide to search deep within your pockets, and finally, you find it - your wallet! In the same way, we must look deep within ourselves to find our truest and best versions of ourselves. Remember, inside of the caterpillar is the potential to become a great butterfly. This potential must be protected, nurtured and fed in order to become reality.

Exoteric represents everything outside of the self and the mind. The typical religions, philosophy, entertainment - everything that could be understood by almost anyone. Jesus was the son of God? Easy, got it! Buddha taught us a way to escape suffering by following the Eightfold Path? Piece of cake. What has happened is that complex spiritual concepts have been simplified and boiled down for the masses to receive and enjoy. This isn't to say this is entirely a bad thing; I have seen lots of good come out of religious folk. I have seen entire food drives for the homeless be built, assistance for the less fortunate, and overall compassionate action come from religion. But ultimately, with a summarized and simplified version of the truth, some things are lost in translation (sometimes literally!). This is why with religion, even the most well-intentioned ones, you will see hate, bigotry and violence towards those who don't follow the faith or certain minority groups (African Americans, LGBTQ+, other marginalized minorities). While there is a lot to be gained from exoteric spirituality, ultimately in order to improve and be the best one can be, one has to find truth inside of them. This doesn't mean not everyone can receive spiritual truth or knowledge from exoteric faith; rather, that the greatest truths - the fundamental laws that govern our universe and nature - are found when we are by ourselves. If anything is to be taken from what I said, seek within, and you will find.

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