Single? For me, honestly, I do appreciate and am grateful for being single. It is a privilege for me. Please appreciate your chance to be single. Worry-free, non-stressful life, peaceful. If you don't have a plan to settle down in the meantime, it is better not to be in a relationship. A lot you need to prepare for marriage, a long-term commitment.
Being me, I don't like to do something that is not beneficial to me, wasting my time or energy on someone that I am not confident spending my whole life with. Why? It is better to focus on yourself. Unless, if the guy gives you certainty that you are the one that he is confident to spend his lifetime together with.
I grew up in a society that normalized having a boyfriend/girlfriend as early as a teenager. Seeing them being lovey dovey over the text messages, gets into argument, telling other people of their problems with their partner and so on. Hah! Such a hassle for a relationship, that is haram I would say because you are not married yet. Unless, if you are married, being lovey dovey with your partner can rewards us with pahala right.
I found out that I am not interested to commit with a relationship that is not certain. Plus, I believe that if a man wants, he will. If he really love a girl, and keen to have the girl as a wife, he will do anything for her. Praying for that man for me too.
Hey2, but I am saying that being single is a blessing. I am happy, sometimes do feel lonely but it is hassle free life! Calmness= happiness. Don't be intimidated with those couples, you are too great to be like that. Moreover, people keep saying that I don't seem single, why? Because I seemed content with my life? Yes, I am? But having a man that is not my husband to make me happy? No! Hah. Too pretty to be single? Yes, I agree. Bet, boys are afraid to approach me, but a man will. With much respect.
30 days Writing Challenge
AcakSo I went through tiktok and saw a post where this girl do a 30 days writing challenge and I am up for that!