Idk bro, I need a therapist

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"Yes I did fo it for you guys and I am sorry I can't-"  "Douma I am the one who should say sorry, I am sorry" Michikatsu pulled him closer hugging him. Douma eyes were tearing up when Rui and the siblings came. "Why would you want to do that? Who would I show my artcand art talk with Rui *sob*" Rui said while sobbing. "Yes! Do you not know how much I love you as a father!" Ume said "A father?"  "Yes!" Gyutaro added.
Douma hugged them both with Rui and Michikatsu. Michi knew that he wasn't going to betray so he gave a soft smile and gave in the small group hug. Ume didn't want to keave so did Rui. Gyutaro tried convincing her sister to go in her own room "Ume we have to go!"  "Gyutaro its fine, she can sleep here even tho it is inappropriate for some people I wont sleep. I promise"  "eeehh? Why is it inappropriate?"  Michikatsu got a flashback what they once did and blushed, "a-a-auhm well its like something you'll know when you when your above 18" Ume slept in Douma's arms, Rui turned on the dim lights to draw.
Douma opened his phone and started texting Michikatsu already hugged him by his waist and slept.

(In the chat)

Douma: So Kotoha how have you been?
Kotoha: Good you?
Douma: Not really well, I don't know what am I supposed to do its like skating your family which also benefits them but you have to stay away
Kotoha: I know that feeling, I absolutely hate that feeling
Douma: What did you eat?
Kotoha: in Dinner I took McDonald's I didn't wanna cook, can you cook tho?
Douma: Oh yes I can! Do you want to know some food recipes
Kotoha: Yes please! What do you know I know nothing but rice with a fried egg bro🥲😭👍
Douma: Oh lol, wait Imma just give you the recipe of a egg fried rice and sushi.
(Gives the recipe)
Kotoha: thanks I will try that out
Douma: Your welcome and  have you talked with the police about my condition?
Kotoha: Yes I didn't mention you tho sorry.
Douma:  No its fine
Kotoha: Oh okay! But make your own decision and I can also assign on you for a therapist
Douma: why?
Kotoha: Have ever noticed how you have killed the people the eye balls are missing sometimes the limbs are never seen don't even talk about the intestines!-
Douma: ok I got it
Kotoha: yeah so that's why
Douma: oh ok lol goodnight it is 2 in the morning by love ya<3
Kotoha: love ya too<3

Douma kept the phone down and stroked Ume's and Michikatsu's hair. Rui had slept on the Mat on the floor he already had a pillow there. Douma threw a blanket there so he doesn't get cold because of the chilled AC.
Douma carefully picked Ume up and put her on bed in her room. Douma came back realizing Michikatsu was also there so he snuggled with him. Michikatsu and Douma both cuddled. Douma's milky white skin pleased Michikatsu everytime he saw his face. Michikatsu stroked his fingers around his face. Douma was asking a purring like sound. Michikatsu was sure scared and cautious around him but he knew from deep down even if he betrayed he would leave a note to us. Michikatsu hugged closer. Rui was on the floor like a caterpillar rolled in the blanket.
The next morning Rui woke Douma up nudging him "oh hey Rui what happened, its 5 in the morning"  "n-nightmare"  "oww would you like too share?"  "No it is scary" even tho Rui was 12yo he still wasn't mature enough but knew a lot about murder that what shocked Douma and also his art is like and 17-18yo's. Douma tucked Rui with him and hugging him for some support. Michikatsu kept his leg on Douma. Douma was got crushed by the leg's weight but resisted. Gyutaro came in and took a photo without anyone knowing.
Douma dozed off and then was woken up by Hakuji. "Oye suicidal get up!"  "Huh wha- no don't say that, and yes another mission Ig?"  "Yup! Now go kill some people here the names".
Douma saw the list Haruhime, Makoto and Yoshioka. "Ohh these are the detectives they  must live in east lane here" Douma went there saw Makoto sipping onto some tea outside?? And at the back of a school (sussy baka) Douma  put on his hood and went towards her and acted  as he needed aome help so he ran towards as fast as he can and said "mam please help there are some people after me!"  "Okay sir I need you too calm down"  Makoto bent down too help him and hugged him. Douma got his pocket knife and started stabbing her from the back she screeched but Douma put his hands over her mouth. Douma got a random trash bag near the dustbin and stuffed her in there and threw her in the trash bin.
Douma went to search the other two but resulted not finding them. "Hakuji I killed one of them!"  "Oh okay" Douma went in his room seeing Rui still asleep. "Rui get up now it is 10:00am" Rui groaned and got up brushed his teeth. Douma made him a grilled cheese and bacon. Rui sat there and chomped on the breakfast. Douma finally went to his room seeing Michikatsu writing smth. "What you writing there?"  "Oh just some things like I am writing to share"  "you can always share with me everybody does"  "really?"  "Yes"
Author: 950 words Ik its short I will give the conversation later and I think in a few more chapter this'll end.
Bye blueberries<333

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