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Michikatsu was walking down the streets and saw some old posters where there was a picture of Douma, wanted dead or alive. He tried to hold back his tears but one rolled down. Michikatsu went to a nearby coffee shop, to drink some coffee but then saw a child with blonde hair. Michikatsu quickly ran upto the child, he seem to have the features of Douma, rainbow eyes, pale skin and platinum blonde hair. Michikatsu held his tears back and said "why are you roaming here?" "My parents kicked me out" Douma replied "would you kike to come with me? And your name?" Michikatsu asked "Oh my name? They didn't give me one" Douma answered. Michikatsu was a bit sad for the child so he took him with him. Michikatsu entered the house where Hakuji, Ume, Gyutaro ans Kotoha was sitting. "Did you get the groceries?" Hakuji asked "wait......Douma?" Kotoha said "what are you talking about?" Ume said "look" Kotoha said and pointed at the child,  "what are you pointing at- Douma?" Gyutaro said "w-who?" The child stuttered. "Well I found him by the coffee shop but he looked like Douma so I brought him here and also he doesn't have a name" Michikatsu said "owh Douma sama must've looked like this cute! What is your age?"  Hakuji asked "5" "5? You are 5 thta is pretty young" Gyutaro said. Kotoha just grabbed the child and kept him at her lap. Douma 2.0 liked it, he hugged her Kotoha was internally squealing.
They all thought of a name and came up with Douma, they stole the name because he looked alike him alot. Douma said he qas hungry so he got some sushi, he was on Hakuji's lap when he was eating it. Hakuji was playing with him medium long hair. Douma just hugged Hakuji after that and slept, Hakuji took a photo from it. All were jealous cuz they didn't get to hold the child.

To any ideas and thanks for 1.01k views!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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