Chapter Fifteen

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It was a soft set of words that had Xer'tal groaning as he rolled onto his side, his deep slumber interrupted. Sleepily rubbing his eyes, he squinted at a rather charming sight that greeted him. Tansy was beaming that sunshine smile, while holding a plate full of mouth-watering breakfast.

"I got you breakfast." Her voice was low, holding out that full plate that she had clearly portioned for an orc. Grumbling for a bit, he sat up, the smell of the cooked food effective in waking him up. The sight before him, of Tansy serving him food, of her thinking to care for him like that, even letting him slumber longer, caused a curious clenching in his chest. No one had ever done that for him before.

Xer'tal grunted his thanks, giving her a small nod along with a faint smile. "S'good," He took a rasher of the salted pork from the plate and bit into it. His eyes closed in contentment as he tasted the flavors dancing on his tongue. People could say what they wanted about the kobolds but they were good cooks. He glanced at her again and made note she was dressed once more in her dress that looked cleaned and mended along the hem. He didn't begrudge it, but he certainly missed how tightly the clothes from last night had clung to her.

He had almost swallowed his tongue when she had come around the corner, the little kobold female tugging her along. Her legs had looked sinfully long and that sorry excuse for a dress had clung to the soft curves of her torso in a way that had a rather unwanted surge of desire strike him so hard he nearly went light headed as blood evacuated his head for southern destinations.

Shaking out of the thoughts, Xer'tal ventured out with an awkward pat to her shoulder. "Ya have my gratitude, Tansy." His deep voice echoed almost in the quieter atmosphere of the eating kobolds. Clearly they were still fighting off sleep because they didn't chitter and chatter nearly as much. "The meal's delightful. And ya didn't need to dish me up." She really hadn't needed to do it for him.

Tansy smiled at him bright, it wasn't that sunshine smile but it was a softly warm one all the same as she reached out and gently touched his arm. The feeling of her fingertips seared into his skin as his eyes locked onto her. "You take care of me too, Xer'tal. It's only fair that I do the same." He nearly choked on the rasher of pork he was chewing at her words. She paid him to take care of her and now she was acting like she needed to pay that back. It made that warmth in his chest move to settle low in his belly. Her showing of thanks was unexpected, but nonetheless, strangely appreciated. The acknowledgement was unexpected, no one ever thanked him for his duty before, they paid him and that was it. But he had known, deep down, that Tansy was going to be different and she was.

Flixom chittered at Tansy and he watched as her cheeks went a delightful rosy pink before she rolled her eyes. "Oh hush you!" The words were a teasing scold as she turned away from him. Whatever the context was, it made the kobold laugh and Xer'tal watched Tansy retreat to the makeshift kitchen, a bemused look dawning on his battle-scarred face. His eyes followed her around the room, the sight of Tansy's interaction with the kobolds filling him with a strange sense of belonging he had previously considered unwarranted since he had been tossed from his clan.

The laughter and chatter in the room were infectious, the warmth shared amongst this peculiar family seemed to resonate against something deep within him, giving him a raw exposure to a kind of community he had all but forgotten. He couldn't help but watch Tansy move comfortably around the den, navigating the chaos with an ease he admired. Xer'tal realized, with no small amount of unease, he liked the domestic scene. The sensation was new, scary, but oddly comforting. Tansy was making him feel things he hadn't in a long while, not since before he had been banished from his clan.

He finished his breakfast without another word, pondering and stewing on the emotions the sunshine woman seemed to invoke inside of him before he picked himself up with a characteristic grunt and donned his armour that looked like it had been meticulously cleaned. Once done he strode towards Flixom, patting the kobold on the head in a rare display of affection before striding towards the exit, his boots thudding on the hard floor. "We need to gear up for travel, eh Tansy? It's a long way back." The journey ahead was daunting, full of potential pitfalls they could easily fall into and not to mention the length.

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