That time I got lost and thought I met a psycho

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I'll just briefly make a rundown of what happened that day. Me and my family were out to spend time together. I don't know how but I found myself alone at some point. I remember thinking to myself, ayt time to go explore. And explore I did.

Since we were in a different neighborhood, I obviously got lost, like every stupid protagonist......oh wait, I'm one of them...dang.

Anyways, I got tired and decided to chill on a hill near a bridge. I sat there and my thoughts began to wander into dangerous territory.

Then, I hear thuds of a material I came to familiarize. I curiously went to investigate, and found a young boy playing soccer by himself. It was Bachira. He moves around as if he was playing with someone, but obviously there wasn't anyone. I knew full well what it was though. 

Not wanting to bother, I was going to head to another spot to chill, but his voice stop me in my tracks, "Hey, you look like you play soccer. You wanna play?" I ignored him and proceed to walk away only to then hear fast footsteps. At that indication, I begin to run, "Ne! Ne! Why are you running?"

I'm running away from you!!

We ran for awhile in the vicinity, until I stop because he wasn't giving up.

I pant with hands on my knees. I still had my back facing him, so I turn to face him. He look sort menacing with how the shadow casts over his upper face, making his eyes seemingly glow. I did my best to give him a small smile through my tired state and reply to his previous question, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks for ask-" out of reflex I move my head to the side to avoid the incoming ball which swishes by. He had on a wide grin, "My monster says otherwise, missy~"

You ran after me all along only to try to attempt murder or something?????

It was a good thing we're kids, because if we're talking about me in my past life, I would've thought he's trying to pick a fight with me, which to be honest,  I'd gladly do the honor.

I raise a brow, "Monster?" I pretended, even though I clearly knew what he was talking about. In a flash, he appeared in front of me. With the shadow now gone, I could see the childishness twinkling in his eyes, "Yeah! He told me to kick it to you because you can handle it. He said you're special!"

I know right? I'm an alien.

"Oh-Uhm thanks?" I honestly didn't know how to respond to that. 

Bachira ran past me to retrieve his ball, with his back still facing me, he turn his head to eye me, as though silently asking to play. It should be fine if it's simply to mess around, and since Ego isn't around, my ears are spared from hearing him yapping. I took a stance, "Come at me, boy." Bachira finally grins as he fully turn to face me now.

No one made a move. Until, the sound of a crow resonated and we both bolted at each other.

I, for one, didn't know how much time has passed. There was a lot of back and forth, we were basically on par with one another. Although, if there was one complaint I have was the amount of times he tries to actually kick me. Like why????? Aren't we casually playing???

I knew Bachira was crazy but not this crazy!!

Eventually, and thank fucking god, we stopped since both of us were gassed out completely. 

We both lay on the grassy hill to recoup our energy. "Those kicks were unnecessary." I bluntly commented and he simply giggled.

He fucking giggled.

 Then it was quiet until Bachira broke it by abruptly sitting up, "I still don't get it!" he exclaimed frustratingly. I curiously gaze at him, "Get what?" his head swivel towards my direction with a pout present, "Even after playing with you for who knows how long, I haven't seen your monster! It doesn't make any sense! It should at least show itself by now!" I then sat up too, "Maybe your monster was wrong after all." he profusely shook his head, clearly in denial, "No! He's always right! He even told me you're really good!" I tiredly sigh, "Whatever floats your boat."

"(Y/n)! There you are! Oh my god, you made us so worried!" the voice of my mother boomed as she scurry to scoop me into her arms, then she finally notice Bachira, "Huh, you made a new friend?" Before I could make any comment, Bachira beats me to it, "Yes! She's my new best friend!" my mother chuckle before she ushers me to say goodbye which I comply.

"Uhm!" my mother stops in her track to see what Bachira has to say. With eyes still sparling with joy he asked, "Will we met again?" I stare at him for awhile before replying, "Who knows?" Although my answer was vague, he only seem to get more hopeful.

He eagerly waves goodbye at the distancing car.



"That was not a promise." I blatantly said which made Bachira protest as he shook his fists, "It was!" both of us sat of his bed in our provided pajamas. Since we agree to sleep together considering there wasn't an extra bed for me. So, I had to made due with this for now. "I asked, "Will we meet again?" and you said yes!" he and I were still having this debate ever since he brought it up and he kept trying to convince me that I did in fact said yes, when clearly I didn't.

Kunigami walks by with a towel around his neck, "Maybe you should go get your head checked, Bachira." the hyper boy whines, "Not you too! Why does no one believes meeeee!" Bachira's face is met with a pillow, "Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep here you god damn loudspeaker!" Bachira returned the favor, "And I'M having a nice conversation!"

I decided to tune out whatever altercation they're starting as I get myself ready for bed. For a brief second, Isagi and I's eyes met, but he quickly avert his gaze with a look of guilt. He lay on his bed and then covers himself with the blanket.

My mood sullen at that. Because, despite what happened. I shouldn't have said what I said. He had every right to steal it and make that shot. He simply wanted to be the best, and I made him feel like shit just because I can't go home. I admit that was immature of me.

I lay my head onto the pillow and slowly drift into slumber.

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