Hey Shadow, it's me, the Devil~

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(Y/n)'s POV:


While the boys were chattering about the success of the first half, I sat idily by Raichi with a towel over my head.

Raichi's face appears between the curtain of the towel, "What's up with you? You're the only one sulking by your pathetic self." I pull off the towel having it effectively hitting Raichi's face on its way off to which I softly snickered. "Nothing. I was simply thinking about the first half. It was...perfect per se." I said while catching Kuon's eyes with a smile, "Pretty articulated, Kuon." he grins, "Why thank you, (y/n)!" he came to ruffle my head.

"I finally get to play for once!" Iemon exclaimed with tears of joy streaming down his face, before thanking me with a bow, "I'm so thankful to you, (y/n)!" I wave it off, "No problem, just thought it's finally time for you take the spotlight y'know?"

Naruhaya light heartedly whines, "Maan.~ Looks like I'll have to sit out for the remaining time huh? I still wanted to play." Kunigami chuckles, "Today's your day, Iemon." Iemon fist pump at that, "Yeah!"

Then it's time for the remaining half. 



The game resumes with the last formation from the first half and soon Raichi took off, "Hahaha! We're in Raichi's kickoff now!!" it didn't took long before Kuon made his presence known and then saying sum shit that got Raichi passing the ball to him.

Cue Kuon got his ball "stolen", making Raichi lose his shit, "Idiot, you went and got it stolen?!" I then yell at him while keeping my eyes on the incoming twin, "You should've just gone for it instead of passing!"

Isagi went for a slide tackle in hopes to stop their momentum, but the twin were like lmao you suck.

Chigiri then proceed to actually attempt to stop them but with his injury still in mind, he couldn't give it 100%, and so the twin bypass him easily. "Shit! (Y/n)!" for a moment, he looked scared.

Hands shaking, pupil dilated, I saw Joker pass to his left, forcing my body through its frozen state, I dove to block crocodilebrow and manage to graze it, but I was still seconds too late. My body crashes to the grassy ground as a result. "Phew, that was a close one! That's what my brother said!" Joker translated.

As I shakily push myself up while taking deep breaths to help keeping the voices in my head away, Crocodilebrow's eyes met with mine, and suddenly his expression turned eerie, "Why are you shaking so much? Did your parents raised you as scaredy-cat? Because it shows! That's what my bother said!" Crocodilebrow walks away to his twin brother. 

I grit my teeth feeling anger boiling in my veins, but I kept it in as I silently roll the ball to my team to which Kuon was the one to receive it. "Calm down! We're still two goal up!! We don't  have to take the offense! Let's just focus on setting passes!!"

"Why don't we just take the offense?! Wouldn't it be better to score more point then be on the defense?!" I exclaim, feeling frustrated by Kuon's logic, "I agree with, (y/n). I don't understand why can't we just do that instead? We're still in the lead anyway, so keeping the streak would be preferable in my opinion." Bachira share his point of view. 

Kuon's brow knitted, "C'mon guys, you've seen what they've done?! If we don't stop their momentum, things will go south quick! Alright, you're up Isagi!" Kuon proceed to pass it to Isagi, deliberately making it short for the twin to take.

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