Chtpt: 4- Frozen yogurt

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•the next day

Victoria's pov

As I wake up, I hear Cameron knocking at my door. "Yo Vic, come on we are going to go to Menchies." He says

"What is that?" I ask. "Oh My gosh, You've never been to Menchies, we have to go like right now come on girl" Cameron says in a white girl voice.

"Uh okay, I guess, let me go get ready."

I go to my closet to go pick out an outfit. I decide on some and I'm highway said shorts, a white caulk tub, and a pair of white hightop Converse.

For my make up I just wore simple mascara, and A light shade of pink lipgloss. As for my hair I just Left it natural, which looks like loose curls.

"I'm ready." I yell to Cameron, as I make my way downstairs. "Okay, let's go."

We Hop into his black Jeep, and head over to Menchies. It took about five minutes to get to the frozen yogurt shop.

We finally arrived to the so-called famous Menchies, it looks cool. As we enter the store, we are immediately hit with frozen yogurt.

Julietts pov

I was rushing to get all the people their orders as I hear the sound of the bell that comes from the door. I turn around to see who has entered and I accidentally turn around way to quick and hit the people with the frozen yogurt . I look up to see Cameron Dallas. He is one of the most popular guys in the entire school. I've liked him since I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. I just could never get my confidence build up enough to talk to him. We make eye contact and I turn away because I was so embarrassed. I could feel his brown orbs stare onto my face. He isn't throwing up yet, so that must be a good sign. Right?

Back to Victoria's pov

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, here you guys get free frozen yogurt with unlimited toppings." She says.

"Oh it's okay really, you don't have to." I say
"ssshh, don't talk, I want the free yogurt." Cameron says.
I roll my eyes in response to his comment.

The girl leads us back to the topping bar, where the napkins are at. We grab some to wipe the cold dessert off of us.

She introduces herself. "Hi, I'm Juliett Martin Rose, but you can call me Juli, and I'm guessing that you are new around here?" She asks looking at me.

"Actually yes, this is my new sister, Victoria." Cameron responds before I had a chance to.

She takes out her hand to shake mine. I kindly accepted it.

"Well I go to Brooklyn High School, and I'm hoping that you do too." She says. "Actually indeed I do, I'm a junior." I say.

"Girl me too! Can't wait to show you around." She says. Cameron is just standing there awkwardly while staring at Juli in awe.

I could totally tell that he was attracted to her just by looking at his facial expressions. She walks is over to the yogurt flavors and tells us to pick any type, it's on the house she said.

•Cameron's pov
As we open the door to the store, we instantly get impacted with frozen yogurt. I look up to see a girl who looks about Victoria's age. She was absolutely stunning. Ombré hair, blue eyes, and the most amazing smile. I could tell that she was embarrassed because of the light red tint on her cheeks. She immediately apologizes. She offers is free yogurt, which I could not deny because I mean come on it's delicious. While her and Victoria were chatting I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. She was gorgeous, and I had to make her mine somehow.

•Victoria's pov

I knew just by the way that Juli looked at Cameron that she had a major crush on him. I have to get them together somehow and fast!!

*bell noise*

I turn my head to see you had entered,


Is the suspense killing you yet? Lol




I turn over my shoulder to see Kennedy, my best friend from the orphanage (I bet you guys thought it would've been Shawn but no, surprise mf).

"OH MY GOD KENNEDY IVE MISSED YOU!" I yell jumping on top of her. "Oh my god Victoria is that you, I couldn't even recognize you from the back, did you keep your hair natural? Because I'm used to it being straight." She said.

Juli just stood there awkwardly until I invited her over to introduce her. "Kennedy, this is Juli, this is Kennedy." They immediately clicked and I could tell from there on that we would be the best of friends.

Unfortunately we all had to leave, we exchanged number and said our goodbyes.

•later on

I'm laying on my bed just relaxing, I hear a knock on the door and get up. I walk down stairs to see who it is. I look through the peep hole to see Shawn with a bouquet of roses.

I make myself look somewhat presentable and open the door with a smile.

"Oh uh, hey Victoria these are for you." He says pushing the roses in front of my face. I giggle at him because he looks so cute when he is nervous.

"Thank you Shawn." I say while leaning in to give him a hug. He seems surprised, but immediately hugs back.

"So uh I was wondering if you weren't busy or something on Saturday, I was uh thinking we could hangout, like a date, unless you don't want to that's cool also." He says while stumbling a bit.

In the inside I'm jumping up and down yelling but on the outside I am calm cool and collective. I nod my head because I didn't trust my voice right now.

He looks surprised. "Really?! That's great, I'll pick you up at 7 on Saturday so we can go." He says with a huge smile on his face.

He leans in and kisses my cheek than walks away. Once he was out of sight I was jumping up and down in excitement. I could still feel the tingling sensation on my cheek.

I close the door and run up to my room. I lock the door in my room and start doing a happy dance.

'I've got to ready for Saturday' I think to myself

A/N thanks for reading this chapter and I really hope that it was long, don't worry the more exciting stuff are coming up sooner than you think ;) also please go check out my friend julietkar book, it's really good!

Don't forget to vote and comment, thank you!! :)))

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