Chtp 3- Him

36 1 4

•The next day

I wake up to The sound of a doorbell constantly ringing.

I go out of my room and walk downstairs to see if anybody is awake. Surprisingly no one is.

The sound of the doorbell keeps ringing so I decided to go answer it.

I looked through the peep hole to see who it is. I Look to see a brunette boy I couldn't get a good glimpse of his face because he's looking at his feet.

As I open the door i come face-to-face with a brunette boy who looks just about my age. 'I bet he is one of Cameron's friends' I think to myself.

As he looked at me, I could see confusion and shock written all over his face.

I was wondered why, as I was thinking I looked down at myself. I realize that I'm only in my hella short pajama shorts and a tank top. I instantly feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I instantly become embarrassed.

"Uh hi I'm Shawn, and I'm guessing that are Cameron's new sister" he says.

"Uh yes that would be me" I respond to embarrassed to respond in an actual normal way.

I look up and take this time to study him. Brown chocolate orbs that could make a girl melt, a cute lil' lazy eye, a well built body, and a well structured face.

All I was thinking about was 'wow he has a nice face'

Shawn pov-

As I ring at the doorbell for the last time I see a girl approaching, I didn't want to seem like a stalker and look through the window, so I just stared at my feet.

The girls opens the door and I am face to face to one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I am confused and shocked to see her. I thought Cameron said that she was coming tomorrow. She looks at me in confusion. She looks down and instantly starts blushing.

I introduce myself and find out that she was indeed Cameron's new sister.

When she looks up she seems to be in deep thought. I take this time to exam her. She has a bit of freckles here and there. She wasn't wearing any makeup which just made her ten times more beautiful than she already was. She just looked like she would be a down to earth girl and a great friend. ( or girl friend lol)

•Back to Victoria's pov

" Uh is Cameron home?" He asks
"Oh uh yes he is, I'll go get him." I respond.

I turn around and head up the stairs. As I was walking up I turned my head and looked at Shawn, he was smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back at his adorable smile.

I reached Cameron's door and knocked. He opened the door, looking very tired.

"What?" He says looking at me. "Wait why are you smiling so much it's like 10 in the morning". He says. "Oh uh what are you talking about haha no one what." I managed to choke out. I probably sounded like an idiot.

"Mhm okay girl" he says in a sassy voice. "Oh and yeah you're friend Shawn is here" I say.

"Oh shoot, I forgot" he rushes out the door. "Cameron wait!!" I call out. "What" he says. "You uh forgot your pants" I say while chuckling. "Oh" he looks down in embarrassment while grabbing a pair of shorts.

We walk down the stairs together to see Shawn yawning. Even when he is yawning he still looks cute. Wait what, no I can't think like that I just met him!

"Yo shawnie boy what's up" cam says while giving Shawn a bro hug.
"Aye nothing much, what about you Dallas?" He says

I watched them chat, while standing there awkwardly.

"Oh yeah Shawn this is my new sister Victoria" Cameron introduces me. I give them a small wave.

I see Shawn whispering something into Cameron ear. I can't hear anything but I think I heard "yeah, no dude, I promise, I think I like her." But I doubt that what I heard I mean look at me.

"Oh look at these pants, is that a wrinkle? Oh well I guess I better go change" Cameron says suspiciously. He attempts to run up the stairs, but trips on one of the steps an falls. Me and Shawn start dying of laughter.

He recovers quickly and starts running again.

"So uh, how old are you?" Shawn's asks me. "Im 16 turning 17 July 26th" (A/N my actually birthday ;) he has a big smile on his face as he says "oh that's really cool, I just turned 17.

After about a minute of a awkward silence he speaks up again. "So I'm guessing that you are a junior? Because I am." He says. I nod my head in response.

" oh well I hope we get classes together or something". He says
"Oh yeah, I would love to have classes with you" I say

He smirks at me. "Oh wait no I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I just meant ya know, to have classes with someone I actually know." I look down in embarrassment.

He walks over and lifts up my head with his hand, "I would love to have classes with such a beautiful girl as your self." He says.

I couldn't help but blush. We stare at each other for quite a while until he starts to lean in. I surprise myself because I find myself leaning in also.

As we were only a couple centimeters away I hear a voice that could only come from one boy "helllloooo," Cameron said, as he walk down the stairs.

I instantly jump back and start 'coughing'. "Woah woah woah, what did I just walk in on, we're you to about to kiss?" He gives us a smirk.

"What no, of course not. He just had something in his eye and I was trying to get it out" I lie.

"Mhm okay sis." Cameron says.

Him and Shawn walk up the stairs together, Shawn turns around a couple of times and smiles at me. I couldn't help but blush.

I turn around and walk into the kitchen, I open the fridge to look for something to eat.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. My instincts kick in and I quickly turn around and slap whoever just touched me.

I look over to see Shawn holding his cheek. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Shawn I didn't realize it was you." I said

"It's no problem, I shouldn't of scared you like that" I looked down because I didn't know what to say.

I looked up to see that Shawn has a red hand print of his cheek. "Oh shoot, I'll get you some ice." I checked around the freezer, but I could only find a frozen bag of peas, that will have to do.

I place the bag onto his cheek, I couldn't help but stare into his perfect brown orbs.

I pull away before anything happens, "you should probably get going, before Cameron starts to wonder where you are" I say to him.

"Oh uh yeah, thanks for the peas." He says while chuckling. "No problem" I say back while smiling at his humor.

He starts to walk up the stairs and I couldn't help but find it adorable whenever he would turn around and make funny faces at me.

I finally hear the door shut from Cameron's room. I turn around and slide down the fridge.

'What have I gotten myself into' I think to myself

A/N thanks for reading. Please vote and comment if your feeling happy :)) I hope this was a longer chapter than usual. 😋

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