twenty nine.

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Issac was floating, dead weight drifting underneath the surface of the Han River. Oddly enough, this was the most peace he had gotten in the past two days, despite being dead. He felt something wrap around his waist and thought, this is it, this is where he went to whatever afterlife that was waiting for him before he felt a hard tug. 

Issac hit the ground, hard, the impact jerking his body back to life. He rolled over, coughing and hacking up a concerning amount of water as he gasped for air. His lungs took in greedy gulps after being deprived of it for so long, making him lightheaded at first. He rested on his hands and knees, breathing heavily before slumping forward slightly. There were hands on his shoulder and his back, patting it gently to make sure all the water was out and that he wouldn't drown on dry land later that night. He rolled onto his back, closing his eyes and laying there for a moment. Breathing. Alive. He'd laugh if he wasn't so tired right now.

Issac opened his eyes, meeting Steve's worried gaze as he hovered over him. He gently reached for his hand, giving it a sorry excuse for a squeeze.

"I'm okay." he mumbled hoarsely, falling victim to another coughing fit.

He frowned, noticing that Steve wasn't wet. Issac sure as hell didn't pull himself to shore, and he would have known if Clint or Natasha were around because they would have rubbed it in his face as soon as they knew he was alive. He sat up, looking around.

Standing a few feet away were the Maximoff twins, joined at the hip per usual. They stared at him with a mix of concern and weariness, guard up and ready to fight or flight if needed.

Issac was on his feet in a matter of seconds, eyes glowing an ominous dark blue as he raised his hands. His magic swirled around his palms and fingers as he stepped closer, ready to, quite frankly, tear these two apart. After everything they had done to the team, they had the nerve to show their faces so easily.

Wanda moved to raise her hands, but she was too slow. Issac flicked his left hand, knocking Pietro back and pinning him against a nearby wall while he did the same with the girl in front of him, narrowing his eyes menacingly. Despite almost drowning two seconds ago, he had an odd amount of fight in him.

"Issac, wait!" Steve was suddenly by his side, placing a hand on his shoulder but not pulling him back just yet. "They saved your life."

"Bullshit." He spat. His accent had lessened over the years of being in America, however it became more prominent than ever when he was angry or upset. Some things you just couldn't get rid of, it seemed. "Why?" He seethed, looking between the two twins. They were unable to move, completely at his mercy right now. "Why not let me drown when I'm just another thorn in Ultron's side?" 

"We never wanted this." Wanda managed to grit out, audibly struggling underneath the weight of Issac'c magic. "We only destroy the Avengers." She seemed weary to admit this in front of two Avengers, but it was practically life or death at this point, so she didn't see much of a choice. "But Ultron has gone too far...he needs to be stopped."

Issac glanced at Steve, not letting go of the twins. Steve gave him a hard look, nodding ever so slightly. He knew what Issac was feeling. They didn't trust these two, however they also blatantly went against Ultron and even helped stop a lot of people from getting hurt or killed. They weren't like most of the other people they'd fought, these two were just kids who were dealt a bad hand in life. If Mikhail hadn't found Issac when he did, there was no telling how he would have wound up. As much as he hated to admit it, he understood their motivation for trying to gain power to go against the Avengers.

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