Unexpected News

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It was a normal day so far. No wars, no deaths, or at least everyone thought so.
Dream was sitting in prison, thoughts to himself.

Dream's POV:
Why should I stay here? Anyway, aren't I the villain of the story? Who cares about me? No one would care if I died.. right?

Not long after, a message popped up in the chat:-
Dream tried to swim in lava

Techno's POV:
What.... the teletubby can't die.. right? He's the admin, after all..

Technoblade. For the first time ever tears could be noticed falling out of his eyes.

Not long after, Techno went out to see that barely anyone had noticed Dream's death.. Almost No One. He was shocked, especially with Sapnap and George that they hadn't noticed their best friend had died. Techno was sure though, that Philza and some others would have noticed.

Techno walked to spawn just to remember his first time in the SMP, when he noticed a creature emitting a strong glow.. it had wings- beautiful ones. They were white with a hint of green at the ends. 

(These were how Dream's wings looked like

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(These were how Dream's wings looked like. BTW I did not make this. All Credits to The Creator.)

Techno walked up and looked at it. The creature looked a lot like Ghostbur when he was a ghost. It was almost see through. That's when Techno realised-


The creature turned around to face Techno and smiled with joy. " Oh Techno! I thought I got lost.. Where are we?"

D-Dream, we are in your server.. Don't you remember?

Dream looked confused. He asked, "When did I have a server?"

O-oh since you do not remember, let me show you around..

Thanks! Oh look- there are many people here.. shouldn't we go and say hi?

We will soon.. for now let's go to my house.. I think you will like it there..

They walked through the forest and kept turning in different directions- left, right, right left, straight, until they reached a house in the middle of the snow. It looked warm and cosy. There was a horse outside in a stable.

Well Dream, you can go in- I'll just call someone who I think you will like to meet.


Hey, could you come over to my house- I want you to meet someone.. they don't know you are coming.. also it's kind of urgent..

Also sorry for the short chapter- This is my first book..
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I will try my best to take them account while writing the next chapter.
For now, BYE :D
Words:- 427

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