Chapter Two

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"Yes we are leaving," Sophie said as everyone linked hands Sophie held up the starstone to the light and they all whisked away...

The first thing Sophie noticed was the familiar path Vespera had led them to. As Sophie looked from each of her friends to Sandor who was very beat up took that moment to come crashing down. All her friends watched in Horror. 

Maruca kneeled down "He's Barely breathing," She said. 

No, no, no, no, no Sophie was panicking.  

"We need to get him to Elwin," Marella said  

"Me Fitz and Maruca will levitate him while you and Marella go to Havenfeild and hail Elwin,"  Keefe told her. 

Fitz looked at him and looked at Sophie and told her to hurry.

Sophie nodded. 

The familiar Havenfeild path came into view as everyone quickly made their way to Havenfeild's pastures.

 Sophie and Marella both ran inside as Sophie swung open the front gates Grady and Edaline both looking worried sat next to each other in the Havenfeild living room. When they both looked up their eyes widened. 

"Where were you, Sophie!" Grady asked looking both worried and angry. 

"No time to explain. Sandor. Hail Elwin. Now" Sophie was speaking way too fast but it seemed like her adoptive parents understood. Edline left to hail Elwin while Fitz, Keefe, and Maruca all levitated an unconscious Sandor.  Sophie felt her eyes sting, she couldn't lose Sandor not after every time he had protected her. A tear rolled down her cheek she wiped away. 

in just a few minutes Elwin came rushing through the doors and they all set up a bed for Sandor while Elwin flashed colorful lights over Sandor. And he examined his tissues and bruises. Sophie couldn't look at Sandor without feeling guilty so she went outside and seated herself near Calla's Panakees tree. All her friends tried to reassure her before they all left except Keefe. 

Fitz did linger around longer and eyed both Sophie and Keefe before finally deciding to go home and sleep. 

As Sophie sat there all alone trying to think of what just happened. but she couldn't Sandor was barely breathing and they didn't get the power source. Sophie closed her eyes and leaned against the Panakee tree. Suddenly she heard a rustling in the grass and someone was coming near her Sophie opened her eyes to find the oh-so-familiar boy standing in front of her. 

Sophie felt her heart swell as Keefe sat beside her and leaned against the Panakees tree. 

"Foster?" She heard him say quietly. 

She looked up at his ice-blue eyes which somehow she could never forget. Her own eyes stung and there was a lump in her throat. "Keefe I think.. think this is all my fault," Sophie confessed so quietly she was sure he couldn't hear her but after a while, he finally answered, "It's not Sophie. It's not your fault nothing is."  

"Keefe I'm the one who agreed with Vespera, I'm the one who put our lives in danger, I'm the reason why Sandor is hurt, Your Mom got away, and we never got the power source for you and without it, might..might become-" Now Sophie was crying tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't stop them. Keefe wrapped his arms around her holding her together so she wouldn't fall apart. Sophie counted the seconds to help her calm down. 

When she reached 625 she decided to pull away even though she wanted to stay in his arms forever. Keefe cupped her face and wiped the remaining tears. 

"I think we both need to get some sleep," he said softly and pulled her up.

They both walked together quietly towards Havenfeild in silence. When they reached the front gates, Keefe hugged her and whispered into her ear "Sophie it's not your fault so please don't feel guilty I can't lose you, we all can't...So promise me you won't go down that road"

Keefe pulled away and after a moment. Sophie promised him she wouldn't. He nodded and left to sleep in his gnomish bed. 

When Sophie slowly went inside she came across Grady and Edaline in the living room while Elwin was still looking after Sandor. Sandor who was still unconscious looked less bruised and hurt and Sophie was thankful though she still felt like it was her fault. Edaline saw her and she nudged Grady with her arm and Grady looked...disappointed. 

Sophie walked up to her room and flopped onto her bed. technically it was still night and she was going to have to wake in a few more hours to go to Foxfire anyway she couldn't care less but she still couldn't fall asleep. A very dark part of her mind thought this was all her fault but the other wanted to believe everything Keefe had said was true. 

A knock on the door pulled Sophie out of her thoughts. Edaline, Sophie's adoptive mother slid through the door and walked up to a very tired Sophie and she sat on the edge of her bed. 

"Are you mad?" Sophie asked the part of her wanting to know what was going on inside her adoptive parents' minds with of course not breaking the rules of telepathy. 

"I'm not mad," Edaline said wearily 

"Is Grady?" 

"No" She simply said 

"Why not?"

"Because we love you and we could never be mad at you sweety but yes we were worried and a part of us will always be worried because we love you," Edaline said. 

"I love you both too," Sophie said because she really did and no matter what has happened throughout the years Grady and Edaline still chose to take care of her and she was grateful for everything they had done. 

As Edaline tucked her in bed and took her cape off she kissed her forehead and whispered  "I am very proud of you and so is Grady. Sweet dreams" 

And Sophie dozed off to sleep...


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