Chapter 5: Journey for Truth

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Several days had passed, and Lilian was still trying to understand her strange situation. One morning, needing a change of scenery, she decided to explore the palace grounds. As she stepped into the garden, she gasped at the sight. The palace stood tall before her, its brick walls covered in colorful flowers that seemed to reach the sky. Tall trees surrounded the castle, their thick trunks stretching up like guardians of the fortress. The green plants made the castle look even more magical and mysterious.

As Lilian admired the view, she felt a shift in the air that made her aware she wasn't alone. She turned quickly, scanning the area. Nervously clutching her dress, she walked cautiously along the garden path until she saw a lone figure sitting at the garden's edge. The man was deeply focused on a book, his actions precise and careful. When he finally looked up, their eyes met, and Lilian was startled by the intensity of his gaze.

His long gray hair was neatly tied at the back, showing pointed ears like Kalen's. When he put his book aside and stood up, he had a powerful presence. He wore a long white robe with elaborate designs that Lilian didn't recognize. The robe's detailed patterns made him look even more impressive and mysterious.

Lilian felt nervous as she looked at him. His strong presence and calm confidence suggested he was very wise and powerful.

He walked towards her slowly, and when he stood right in front of her, he smiled warmly but mysteriously. Lilian's knees shook a little under his gaze, and she tried to smile back, her heart pounding from the surprise of meeting him.

"Fascinating," he said, though Lilian didn't quite understand what he meant. Her eyes widened as he gently touched the side of her face. His warm hand against her cold skin made her flinch.

"You are afraid," he observed calmly.

Lilian swallowed nervously; her confusion obvious.

"I am Ardan. What is your name, human?" he asked softly.

"Lilian," she replied.

"Don't be frightened, little Lilian. We are here to help you return home," Ardan assured her.

Lilian's eyes sparkled with hope. "That's all I've ever wanted," she said earnestly.

Before Ardan could say more, Kalen stepped out from the shadows. Both Ardan and Lilian looked at him. "Ah, I see our little dove has met our king," Kalen said with a hint of amusement. His eyes sparkled with a playful look as he watched them.

Lilian instinctively took a step back and bowed her head, causing both men to laugh.

"How silly you are, Kalen," Ardan said with a smile. He lifted Lilian's chin so she could look at him.

"We've never seen anyone like you before," Ardan said. "We're curious about how you got to the Kingdom of Silla, but we'll find a way to send you back to your world." Lilian's hope grew as she listened. "We need to go north to visit the wise old man of this realm. He can help us understand how you arrived and find a way to get you home."

Lilian clasped her hands, her smile full of hope. "I'll do anything to make that happen," she said eagerly.

Ardan glanced at Kalen, noticing his brother's unexpected interest in Lilian. A smirk appeared on Ardan's face as he saw Kalen's reaction.

Ardan stepped closer to Lilian and bent down to her eye level. She gasped as he whispered, "I look forward to our journey together, Lilian."

With that, Ardan turned and walked back toward the castle. Kalen and Lilian watched him go, silent and wide-eyed. Ardan's determined walk and faint smirk suggested he had more in mind, leaving Kalen to wonder about his brother's true intentions.

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