Chapter 4: Bar

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The next morning, Clarke woke up early and packed her backpack. She had made a decision. She was going to quit school and her part time job at the coffee shop instead she was going to look for a full-time job. She knew it was risky, but she felt like she had no other choice. She couldn't stand the thought of losing her father or seeing her mom struggle anymore. She had to do something.

She wrote a note for her mom and left it on the kitchen table. She hoped her mom would understand, and not be too angry or disappointed. She loved her mom, but she couldn't talk to her right now. She needed some space.

She walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus that would take her to the city center. She had a list of places where she could apply for a job. She didn't care what kind of job it was, as long as it paid well enough to cover the bills.

She got on the bus and sat down. She looked out the window and wondered if she would ever come back here. She wondered if she was making a mistake.

She shook her head and tried to clear her thoughts. She had to focus on her plan. She had to be strong.

She took out her phone and texted Raven

Clarke: Hey, Raven. I need to tell you something.

Raven: Is everything okay?

Clarke: No, it's not.

Raven: What is it, Clarke?

Clarke: I'm quitting school.

Raven: What? Clarke, no! You can't do that!

Clarke: I have to, Raven. I need to find a job and help Mom, she wants to quit paying the hospital bills.

Raven: Clarke, that's crazy! You're in your last year! You're almost done! You have a scholarship waiting for you at the art college!

Clarke: I don't care about that right now Raven, I care about my family.

Raven: Clarke, please reconsider. You're throwing away your future!

Clarke: No, Raven, I'm saving my dad.

Raven: Clarke, please don't do this. Please talk to me. I love him to, you know that right? But he wouldn't want you to throw away your future for the small chance of him waking up.

Clarke turned off her phone and put it back in her backpack. She didn't want to hear any more arguments or pleas. She had made up her mind.

She looked out the window again and saw the city skyline approaching.

She felt a mix of fear and determination.

She was ready to start a new life.

After looking for places she could apply for a job and begging some companies to hire her (wish she knew was probably a bad idea because she seemed very desperate wish isn't a good look if you are applying for a job) all day, Clarke was exhausted but she didn't want to go home, she didn't want to face her mother, who would probably be angry and disappointed in her.

She didn't know if her mother had come back home from work yet and had read her letter. She expected that she had because when she woke up her mother already left for an early morning shift and it was almost 8 p.m. already she was certain her mom must be home. To be sure Clarke decided to check her phone and seeing she had 11 unread messages and 7 missed calls from her mom she figured her mom was home and read her letter, in which she explained what she was about to do.

Not feeling like arguing with her mom tonight Clarke decides to go to a bar In order to forget just one night, one night without worry, without pain.

As her feet were killing her from walking all day, she decided to go to the bar closest to her, instead of going to 'Arcadia' the bar she and her friends usually go to.

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