Chapter 6: Worry

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After having breakfast, Clarke was sitting on the couch trying to recall the events of last night, but basically, everything was black. The only thing she remembered was going to a bar, meeting someone whom she couldn't remember what they looked like or what their name was, and drinking way too much putting her in this miserable state with an extreme headache, she had never been this hungover before and she swore to herself she was never drinking this much ever again. She had decided to skip school one more day and go back to it on Monday since it was Friday now anyway and with the state she was in, she wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway.

Realizing she forgot to recharge her phone when she came home last night she got up from the couch and walked to her room. Closing the door behind her. She laid down on her bed and put her phone in the charger on her nightstand. Waiting for her phone the recharge a bit so she could check her messages, which she probably had a lot, especially from Raven, she stared at the ceiling of her bedroom. She wished she could escape from this reality, even for a moment like she did last night in the bar. She tried to remember the night before, she had drunk too much she knew that much, but she didn't get much further than that. She does remember meeting someone, a girl, but she couldn't remember much of what she looked like or what they did, besides drinking and chatting, perhaps that's all they did she thinks to herself.

Once her phone was recharged a few percentages she took it from her nightstand and checked her messages. 28 Missed text messages and 13 calls from Raven, some texts from Octavia (her other best friend), and a few texts from Bellamy, Octavia's brother.

She tapped on Raven's name first and saw a series of messages that ranged from anger, to concern to panic. The first one was sent a few minutes after her last message where she begged Clarke not to quit school.

Raven: Hey, please respond. I know you are sad and angry, but please Clarke you need to think about this.

The next message was sent almost 2 hours later.

Raven: Hello? Answer me. Please I'm worried sick.

Soon followed by another message and a few calls: "Seriously, where are you? Call me back, please."

The messages continued like this, with Raven getting more and more frustrated and scared as the hours passed. The last one she noticed was sent today, only a few minutes ago.

Raven: That's it, if you don't respond within 30 minutes I'm coming over. Even though I probably am too late already since you have been gone all night."

Raven: It's not funny Clarke, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you.

Raven: Oh and if you are home don't even think about locking the door, because I'm not going to skip class to be ignored. I will break it down if I have to. Don't you dare ignore me!

Clarke felt a pang of guilt wash over her, she knew she should have responded last night, but as stubborn and stupid as she sometimes is, she decided to ignore her. God how does she manage to screw up everything so badly In such a short amount of time. She made everyone she cared about worry sick about her.

Seeing as Raven was about to skip class to come check on her she typed a quick reply, hoping that Raven hadn't left school yet.

Clarke: Raven I'm sorry. I'm here. Please don't come over. I was stupid and irrational and I should have responded, but don't skip school for me okay? You can come over and yell at me after, I promise I'll be here.

She hit send and waited for Raven's response, hoping that Raven would understand and could forgive her eventually. While waiting for the response she also checked the messages she received from Octavia and Bellamy.

Octavia: Clarke, is everything okay? Raven called me and she was freaking out, what happened?

Octavia: Please, if you are angry at Raven for some reason at least tell me that you are okay.

Octavia: Look Raven didn't tell me the details but she told me you have been gone all day and night, so if you don't respond within the next hour, I'll skip work and drive to Polis to look for you.

Bellamy: Octavia told me she can't reach you, everything alright?

Bellamy: I get it If you need some time alone, but please tell us where you are or if you are okay. Raven mentioned you haven't been responding since yesterday morning and she is terrified something happened to you. We all are.

Bellamy: Knowing you, you probably went out all night and your phone died, but please text me as soon as you wake up okay?

Fuck, Clarke thought as she read the messages Octavia and Bellamy send her, she really did fuck up badly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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