2. Building the revolutionaries

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It had been about a year since the three kids had joined together to start a life of crime, they had gotten a lot done in this time. They had repaired the dilapidated warehouse with the help of Izuku's powers using it to steal different resources and use them, it has become an important base of operations fit with living quarters, and offices for them to do work, which isn't much at the moment because they don't have any underlings or an extremely large territory but this would change with time. the entrance to the large warehouse had become the meeting room where they would first meet any guests, there was currently one large thrown with two chairs either side of it with a table in front with chairs behind it. There was also the beginning of a tech room to help keep track of their territory and the territory of the other local gangs in the Chiba district. they've done quite a few crimes within this year they've mugged a lot of people and they've even had to kill a few people from minor gangs that were getting in their way they even robbed a bank once, and no one knew it had been robbed until a couple days later. Shoto and Kyoka had also taken up Izuku's family name feeling closer to each other than they ever had to anyone else.

The three of them had just left a frozen man in an alley walking out with the wallet in Izuku's pocket when they bumped into an extremely tall man standing at an impressive 9 ft 6 inches. he just glared down at them with a frown on his face. the has golden-blonde hair, pale skin, and sharp, reddish-brown eyes. He's wearing a dark red hood from which two heart-like shapes hang, a pair of beige jeans, a dark purple feather mantle, and a white shirt with pink hearts printed all over it. He also wore mismatched shoes. His hair was styled long coming close to his eyes and has makeup over his eyes and mouth with purple sunglasses over his eyes.

he looked past them to see the frozen man and scowled before moving with blinding speed and kicking each one in the stomach before they could react he then lit a cigarette in his mouth as he walked away. when he turned the corner the kids could see a burst of flames before it slowly faded away.

the three clutched their stomachs wondering what the hell that was about, once they recovered they continued to move so they could mug a few more people and try to carve out more territory although it wasn't much because they were just a trio of six-year-olds, and while they had started training making them stronger and with their abilities normal people wouldn't stand a chance they couldn't stack up against heroes or a large number of thugs so they had to be careful. this continued for another year, the three would commit some minor crimes and carve out their own territory only to meet the tall man who would give them a beating before walking off and setting himself on fire.

one day they decided that they had enough so they decided to follow him home and surprisingly he lived really far away when they left the train station they found themselves in Okoyama. they didn't expect him to live this far away considering how they saw him at least once a week. He then proceeded to walk into a warehouse where he proceeded to trip over nothing. the children snuck in with Izuku creating a room and lifting them up and through a window, watching and waiting for a chance to strike.

what they saw inside however shocked them, unlike the shabby appearance on the outside the inside looked pristine with intricate stone patterns going all around the walls. there was a whole gang of people with varying appearances, there were three people who took their interest. the only kid amongst the entire group, was a short blonde child with horns and a small dorsal fin, there was the guy that beat them and then one that looked similar to him, he was very tall standing at 10 feet, light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He's dressed in flamboyant clothes. his clothes are brightly coloured, with his light pink feather coat most distinctly of all. he has a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses with red lenses.

the one that seemed to be the boss of them all spoke up "Welcome back Corazon, I hope you had fun on your outing this time" Corazon just nodded. A pair of lips formed on the stone wall behind the leader speaking to the man quietly before he then spoke up "Well before we continue this meeting it appears we have a couple of little rats within our mitts."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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