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Anirudh - (he cried) I created this mess; OK, I agree. But who made me? I made the scene because of you, Kaka. (shouted in rage) Can't you stay quiet and leave our relationship as it is? We were shaping it in our comfort zone. Why did you step inside? He pointed at Kaka and glared, but his baba stepped inside.

Binoy - Voice below Anirudh. (pointing index finger to his fitoori son)He is your kaka who raised you like your mother (angrily in an attitude voice)—a Few seconds of silence formed and continued.

Binoy - Anirudh, let it be any reason. While you are angry you should not leave your patience, but you are young blood, on above of that you have a fitoor to change your country. (anirudh was about to say, but he continued) Do you want to change your country? Right?

Anirudh - baba...

Binoy - Yes or no (wanted a direct question)

Anirudh - I want to see our country's freedom from these Britishers; I want an open sky for all our girls and women; they should get an education right to choose their life partner. I wanted to demolish all prathas when we move forward; only then will our country progress.

When Anirudh was pridefully telling his dream of his country's freedom, his kaka looked at him angrily by making faces. His baba was chill, controlling his feelings to avoid getting angry with him.

Binoy - Anirudh, you should start something from our home to see everything to carry on. Because without home, we won't have cities; without cities, we don't have states, and without states, we wouldn't have our country. (completed his argument) go and take care of my beti

Anirudh frowns at his statement and feels guilty for his deeds. Kaka smirks at him as his brother is rightly told; his baba is looking at his dha, who is looking proudly at him already.

Anirudh - sorry kaka, I should not have shouted at you(said in a low voice) but how can I know when maa had me in her 15 years of age...where is she now, kaka? What happened to her? Kaka, I don't want to see my bondita be like that... Our children should have maa and baba, kaka...(opening his heart out, precisely what he has planned for them, their relationship, and their healthy and happy life)

Kaka - nothing will happen to bahu, anirudh. You are overthinking (clearing his fear of losing his love)

Anirudh - no kaka, I don't want to take the risk (sternly); my bondita should live a healthy life with her, me, and our children (his ear burned thinking about their children) with our family.

Binoy - Anirudh, if you want this all, then stop Bahu from making some unexpected decisions in your marriage life (concerned for his children's life)

Kaka - Anirudh, let us think you made all this mess.

Anirudh frowns and makes faces like a persistent child. Binoy hushed in his expression.

Binoy - Now, what is the solution dha? I don't think she will listen to your words from here.

Anirudh - Why, she won't listen to me. She will; I am her birristera babu....pathi babu...I am her sansaar, baba. Don't you know? (defending himself in his argument)

Kaka - how can you expect she will listen to you after knowing about your past?

Anirudh - what past, kaka? Tell clearly (asked confusedly)

His kaka signed and asked his brother to open up as he didn't know how to say it.

Baba - (gathering some courage)Anirudh, when Bondita was going after completing her kitchen chores, was stopped by sampoorna. She played the worst plot against her. If we had had an idea, we would have stopped her.

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