Chapter 18: A Party to remember

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Marshall followed everyone into adventure bay, they were happy to see him, the dally was picked up and given hugs, Marshall smiled and chuckled then being put down. His dark side came out and joined the fun, a few people got scared and screamed, making Marshall get paranoid, "Should I even be here..?" he thought to himself but others found his dark side pretty cool, no signs of them being scared.

Marshall kept following the others and smiling, his dark side followed the other pups and Ryder smiled. They were happy for Marshall, all of them were everyone's favorite Dally. The Dally was the hero of their home, Marshall looked at his parents and he smiled at them.

"Anddd! Were here! Oh and Marshall close your eyes for a few minutes, you to" Rocky looked at Marshall and his dark side with a smirk on his face, "uh..okay.." Marshall and his dark side both closed their eyes, Marshall felt a blindfold placed on him, he sucked in his teeth as he had flashbacks from when he was dognapped from those people, the ones that caused the pain to him and his family, Marshall was always a good dog but when he snapped or kept his family safe that was when you don't mess with him. He gasped when he felt someone push him from behind "W-What are you doing?" Marshall looked back, blindfolded over his eyes Rocky let out a chuckle, "I'm pushing you, just keep walking forward till I tell you to stop" "uh..okay.." Marshall started to walk forward with Rocky pushing him from behind, Marshall felt his dark side go back into his body.

"They must have a gift or surprise for us" Marshall dark side talking in Marshall's head.

"Yeah maybe.." Marshall muttered to himself.

Marshall kept walking, he heard the other pups and Ryder talking, even his parents, he could hear them walking too they were probably following.

"Do you think he will like it?" Rubble asked Skye Marshall, hearing a chuckle from her.

"Ohh he love it more then like it"

"Good cause this was made for him, for everything he's done" Chase talked lastly, Marshall had a small smile on his face when he heard all of this.

"Okay Marshall you can stop walking, stand still but don't take the blindfold off yet till I tell you okay?" Rocky stopped pushing him and went around him and went in front of him, "Okay!" Marshall had a big smile on his face, which made everyone chuckle but mainly Rocky.

Rocky looked at everyone else giving that look to get ready, everyone got ready even Marshall's parents, Marshall heard running all around him he was confused but yet excited on what was going to happen his tail wagged a little bit.

"Alright Marshall you can take your blindfold off now" The Dally heard Rocky telling him he could take his blindfold off, Marshall used one of his paws to take the blindfold off, as he did his eyes went wide and he gasped, he was in shock.

"TA DAA! We all worked on making this for you! When you were out for a few days we spent those days working on this for you!"

It was a huge Statue of Marshall, in his paw patrol outfit with his fireman helmet on, and his wings on his back with his dark side peeking over his shoulder with red glowing pupils, both of their paws on the statue having a red color on them, making it look like it was glowing on the bottom it said "To our Hero Marshall the Dalmatian, He's everyone's Hero"

"I..I.." Marshall didn't know what to say he was in shock he didn't know they were going to do this for him, his eyes started to water soon tears were running down his fur soaking it wet. He fell to the ground laying there, everyone came running to hug him every single person hugged him, it was a huge group hug.

"They love you Marshall..never forget that..never.." his dark side talked in his head again.

"I know.." Marshall muttered quietly to himself with a smile on his face with tears running down his face still.

"We also love you, Dark Marshall!" Chase spoke up as he lift his head from the group hug and looked at Marshall with smile, Marshall's dark side appeared next to Marshall and looked at Chase "Thank you..I didn't know I was loved too"

"Heh of course you are! You're one of us!" Rubble hugged Marshall's dark side "Just because your just a dark side of Marshall doesn't mean you're not loved! Also what is your name? We never got your name even though you look just like Marshall but slightly different with the eyes"

" about you just call me Dark?"

"Sure! Dark it is!" Rubble let out a chuckle, Marshall looked at the statue of himself and Dark, he had the biggest smile on his face "I love it..Thank you guys it means a lot to me" everyone hugged Marshall one more time before letting him go, "That Statue will be there forever for the rest of your life Marshall" Chase said as he also looked up at it.

"Now! Who's ready go have a fun party!?" "Me Me!" Marshall got hyper his tail wagging he let out a howl then a chuckle, Dark would smile "Me too let's have some fun" Dark then disappeared back into Marshall's body.

"Okay everyone Party is this way!" Rocky yelled as he took off running with Marshall and everyone following behind him.

It was starting to become night, the sun was starting to go down and turn into a beautiful sunset, everyone ran into a huge building, there were dance floors, DJ stuff, food for the pups and for the humans too. But all of it was for Marshall

"Woah.." Marshall was shocked to see all of this stuff for him, so many fun stuff to do he had the biggest smile on his face, he gasped when he saw a trampoline park area "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" Marshall screamed and howled as everyone cheered, Marshall laughed as he ran to the trampoline park area he jumped in the air and his wings came out and he flew, then landed and went back into the air, the pups joined the fun with him, everyone else did their own things.

Few Hours passed later

Everyone was having drinks, the pups were having water, all of them had glow stick party theme on, they all had their colors on them, Marshall had red, Chase had Blue, Rocky had green, Rubble had yellow, Skye had pink, Zuma had orange.

"You know guys..I'm really happy you guys are doing all for me..after everything, really means a lot to me" Marshall turned his head to look at the other pups with a smile.

"Of course Marshall, we love you and you risked your life so many times" Chase chuckled, "And I'm sure you'll do it again this will be a party to remember forever"

"Heh..of course I will, and yeah..a party to remember forever.."

"A Party for a happy ending" Marshall said as he looked up and smiled and closed his eyes

The pups hugged Marshall he hugged them back, "A party to remember forever just for you Marshall"

"I love you guys" Marshall smiled "We love you too Marshall"

Marshall closed his eyes one more time, all the flashbacks and memories hit him at once from the min he was born till where he is right now.

"Life is good.." He muttered

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