First Come, First Served

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Tails is working on new gadgets as Amy is done crying. He hears a knock at the door, and he looks at his security camera to see Team Dark. He unlocks the door, and they come in.

"Tails, is there anything new with the different timeline, Eggman?" Rouge asks Tails she sees Amy's makeup being missed up due to her tears. She hands her some wipes to clean up.

"By the way, Sonic is doing better. Due to his faster metabolism, he should be back in a few hours. G.U.N. is protecting him until he's in top shape."

Tails breaths a sigh of relief as he prepares to answer Rouge. "2 towns are completely gone, 1 city has sent the army to deal with them, and Eggman, our Eggman, has reported in taking down a Furnace. And the Babylon Rouges said a Furnance was trying to enter their airship."

Omega takes out his gatling guns with the mention of his creator. Rouge calms him down as the door opens as Eggman and Co walk in.

"Hey guys." Cubot says while waving. Omega nearly fires a missle at Eggman before Tails, Rouge, and Shadow before stopping him


"Is that the way you treat your father?" Eggman responded only to the annoyance of Omega. Metal collapses from the damage of his battle with Furnace.

"Let's calm down and not destroy my home." Tails tries to be the peace keeper as the  tensions rise. "Can we wait for the Chaotix to arrive and make a plan at least. Or better yet, until we beat the other Eggman?"

"Fine, but only so I can get my home back as well." Eggman answers Tails.

"AT LEAST I CAN KILL A EGGMAN SOON." Omega says to the shock of Cream and Cheese.

"That's not nice, Mr. Omega." Cream jumps into the conversation.

"I KNOW AND I'M SORRY CREAM." Omega tells Cream even though he doesn't mean it.

"Great, nice to know you lost your spine as well." Eggman retorts. Omega doesn't aim a gun at him. This time, he's silent and waiting patiently for the chance to kill the other Eggman. "By the way, Tails, can I use your workshop to repair Metal?"

"I'm honesty surprised you asked. Fine, you can repair him, but only because we need the help."

"I'm a villain, not a freeloader." He starts to repair Metal Sonic from the part that Tail's has.

"Did someone call in the Chaotix?" Charmy bursts in the workshop, nearly hitting Omega.

"Charmy, you need to slow down when entering someone's property." Espio tells the young bee. Vector entered the room while carrying Vanilla.

"Moma? What are you doing here?"

"I wasn't going to leave my baby while that thing was still around." She gives her only child a hug while lightly scratching the top of her head.

"Vector, you know how dangerous this is." Amy tells the crocodile.

"I know, but if something that can take down Sonic, then it's better to be in a group than being a solo act." Vector responds.

"It was my idea, Miss. Amy." Vanilla jumps in.

"Now all we need is Knuckles. Rouge, do you know what is taking so long?" Tails asks the white bat.

"No, he's probably on his way here but was just attacked."Just as she answers Tails, a burn bot crashes through the wall, breaking into a few pieces.

"Sorry Tails," Knuckles tells his small friend. Tails facepalms knowing that bugs will annoy him as he sleeps. He enters the room with a scar on his left eye.

"Knuckie, what happened?" Rouge checks in her boyfriend.

"Not in front of people, Honey." Knuckles grumbles as Rouge grabs a med kit.

"Should we let the couple have some time alone or..." Charmy was about to ask before the couple gave the child a glare. He then hides behind Vector.

"Enough fighting, we need a plan!" Amy interjects. "People are dying!"

"The pink one is right." Eggman admits while making a new arm for Metal.

"Give me a few." Shadow tells the group before leaving through the hole in the wall. Rouge kisses Knuckles on the forehead, much to his embarrassment.

"Eggman, don't you know anything about this verison of yourself?" Tails asks the egg doctor.

"Let me remember, he has killed everyone in this room, Sonic included, but Shadow, they haven't met yet. So that's helpful. His skin is bloody red, eyes black as coal, lips and eyelids gone, he stinks to high hell, and he doesn't have my world-class mustache." He lightly touches his mustache to emphasize his point about the stache.

The room falls silent. Kunckles grabs Rouge's hand as he hears what's said about the other Eggmans deeds. Vanilla holds Cream tightly, and Vector covers Charmy's ears as Amy covers her mouth. Tears fall the young rabbit's eyes as she embraces those she loves.

"Cream and Charmy watch TV as we discuss what we are going to do. Tails and Vanilla you can stay if you want." Espio breaks the silence by telling the youngest and more innocent members of the group.

Cream and Charmy go to Tails' bedroom to watch TV. Vanilla follows suit while holding her daughter's hand.

A notification pops up of the monitor reading: Mile's spyware report retrieved.

Those who stayed look at the monitor wondering what it means.

"I uh found a recording from that universe's verison of me... while... Charmy was not here." Tails tells the group shaking, looking at the floor. His voice is quiet as if it's taking all of his strength to get those words out. "I wanted to watch it myself to see what we are dealing with, but now... I'm too scared to even press play.


"So what did I miss?" A blue hedgehog enter the workshop his wounded arm covered in bandages. He is also holding a Chaos Emerald. Shadow enters behind him. The room similes as Sonic wonders what on Mobius he is up against.

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