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I move with my bleeding arms and legs, slowly crawling up the ashy shore, away from the fire. My open wounds make this a painful task. Each movement causes more ash to get in my cuts.

I don't care.

I will make him feel the same pain.

I use the force to assist me up, and fall to the floor again right afterwards. So I wince, and keep crawling. I claw through the ash, ignoring the pain.

That isn't important right now.

Once he is in view, I grab Obi-wan's leg with the Force, finding trouble concentrating enough to use the Force with the pain, and getting slight tunnel vision.



Over the hours, I taught the children a decent amount of varying things of the dark side of the force, and just basics in force usage. They seemed to be having fun, although I found it almost entirely boring. The only thing interesting about teaching the younglings was the conversations you had with them.

At the end of the teachings, I always would show them something I had learned in the dark side recently. They were always impressed by my force ability, especially since they are children.

Good to know that some younglings from the temple actually like me.

When I joined the Jedi, the other children didn't like me. They thought I was strange because I joined the order late, and they also didn't like how powerful I was. It seems that times change. It's not like they know that I didn't grow up in the order though.

"Master Vader! Master Vader!" A chiss girl exclaimed excitedly.

"What is it, Oruu-Cha?" I asked expectedly.

"Can you show us the thing you learned!" She looked up at me with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah show us, Master!"
"Please show us!"
"You always do it!"

There were murmurs and shouts of agreement throughout the room, and as it got louder, I eventually put my hand up, signaling them to stop talking.

"Of course!"


"What will you show us today, Master?" I small boy asked.

"Today, children, I will show you a cool skill I taught myself recently. I will need something to use it on though."

A little girl handed me a dummy from the corner of the training room.

"Thank you," I used the Force to place the dummy down and did a slight shooing motion, telling the children to back away.

Before I began, I clenched my hands into a fist, destroying the camera in the corner of the room. I don't want Sidious to know of the fact that I know this skill just yet.  Now the camera in the training room and the kids sleeping quarters were destroyed.

A got myself into a position with one arm out in front of me, my right, and my hand spread. I could hear the children hold their breaths while I readied myself.

After a few seconds, I started to use the force, making sharp red electricity come out from my fingertips. The dummy was burning and quickly charring by the aggressive ability. No thoughts came through my head because of my absolute concentration in the force.

Quickly after it started, I stopped. I can't hold it that long yet, but I can hold it that long without losing my breath. The dummy was now practically just ashes on the floor.

"Whoa!" A few younglings exclaimed after I'm done.

"I can't wait until I can learn that!"
"It looked so cool!"
"How was it red?"

No Longer Hers (Vadmé)Where stories live. Discover now