Doug The Faker

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"This is the unholiest abandon veterinarian hospital I've ever seen."

The TVs harsh light flashes against my face in our darken living room, "dad, I don't understand why you watch this stuff." My body sinks into the couch and my eyelids grow heavier with every cheesy line this man delivers. At some point you really have to ask yourself how pathetic one middle aged man can be?

"I smelt it but the spirit would dealt it."

Very pathetic apparently. "What do you mean? It's Doug Falconhawk! This is quality TV." He nudges me in the arm and I playfully roll my eyes. Propping myself up on one arm, I dully continue to watch the crony show.

"Hey everybody! We're live outside the door of this years day with Doug winner."

Doug reaches out and rings some poor unfortunate persons doorbell. A few moments later a teenage boy opens the door, "Ethan?" I lean forward and squint my eyes as if they are tricking me, "you know that kid?"

"Uh yeah. New friend I guess you could say." I answer as I pull out my phone. "New friend? That- that's good. Really good." My dad is smiling, it must make him happy to hear me mention friends after spending almost all my time at home lately. I know he worry's.

My dad goes back to his show and I type in the one persons number I have that's close to Ethan.

Me - Did Ethan really just win that loser guys contest?

Benny (weir)do - Loser??? I think you misspelled AWESOME!

Me - Defiantly did not. Now answer my question.

Benny (weir)do - Yes he did, lucky dog. And what happened to only texting addresses huh?;)

Shit. I had forgotten all about that and I couldn't have Benny thinking he could just text me whenever he wanted.

Me- One time thing. Don't get used to it.

Benny (weir)do - Too late!

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and throw my head back in annoyance. "What's wrong?" My dad asks.


"Makes sense."


"Please tell me that's apple juice," Sarah's face scrunches up in disgust as she takes another sip from the flimsy straw. "At this point I honestly wished it was."

I patted her back and chuckled, "well, if it's any consolation I really appreciate your sacrifice." She weakly smiles at me the goes back to fiddling with the little box as if shaking it enough times would make it magically taste better.

"Did you turn eleven last night? What's with the juice box?" I bawled my hands into fist beside me, trying to keep my cool as Erica walks up. "It's a new blood substitute, Bennys grandma gave it to me."

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