Chapter 1

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I know this is annoying, but 'the incident' refers to what happened to the losers when they were twelve (I don't know how old the Losers were in the movie but just the book they were twelve so were going with that.) Most of the characters are 15 years old.

Briing briing!!

Richie Tozier got out of bed. It was the first day of tenth grade, and he really didn't want to go to school.

I mean, did anyone?

He slipped on clothes he found on the ground that he deemed clean and went downstairs for breakfast.
His mom was folding laundry (this early in the morning? His mom was a goddess) and his dad was probably off at work. Richie's little sister Caela was already downstairs munching on some cereal. It was some knockoff brand of Captain Crunch.

"Morning squirt." Richie said, playing with his sister's hair. She turned around and slapped his hand away. Richie smiled and took some toast and slathered a generous amount of peanut butter on it. He ate and went to brush his teeth.

Soon he was ready to leave for school. He waved to his mom before leaving.

"Bye sweetheart!" She yelled.

Richie got on the bus and sat down beside one of his friends.

"What's up Stan the Man?!" Richie said loudly, although it was barely heard over the loud chatter from the kids in the bus.

"Hey Richie." Stan replied, going through his bird notebook, where he kept all the information he found about birds. Stan was a whore for birds.

"Ayuhh mate, will you kind bloke tell'uhh me what iz your schedule?" Richie said in a horrible British accent.

Stan suppressed an eye roll and got out his schedule he got in the mail just last week. He had memorized it by heart.

"Here." Stan passed him the paper and went back to reading.

Richie compared his classes. They had math and science together, which was great. He disliked both subjects, but maybe having a friend would make it more tolerable.

"Cool, cool. We have math and science together this year." Richie said, passing Stan his schedule back.

Stan nodded. Despite his personality, he knew that Richie was smarter than he acted. He probably had the best report card compared to all of the Losers.

Soon, they got to school. Richie locker was on the second floor, and Stan's was on the first. Richie went up to his new locker and settled in, putting away his binders, papers, and notebooks.

"Hi Richie."

Richie's heart skipped a beat.

He turned around and saw who he would consider his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrack. He smiled.

"Hullo Eddie!" Richie said, deepening his voice and giving Eddie a wink. Eddie suppressed a smile smile rolled his eyes.

"Our lockers are right next to eachtoher this year. What a coincidence." Eddie said, looking at the combination for his lock he wrote on his hand in red pen. Richie was absolutely delighted.

It seemed ever since 'the incident', Eddie's been less careful. As in, he acted more normal. He wasn't scared of putting ink on his hands, even though that action alone would horrify his mother.

"Oh Eddie, how scandalous!" Richie said, pointing to Eddie's hand where the ink resided. He now had a higher pitched voice and had his hand to his forehead in a dramatic manner.

"Don't be dramatic." Eddie said, lightly giving Richie a push. Richie wasn't expecting it and he almost fell down. Eddie giggled, putting his hand up to his mouth. "That was so stupid."

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