Chapter 3

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"So," Bill said. "How would you guh-guys like t-to have a sl-sl-sleepover at muh-mine?"

It was lunchtime, and the Losers were sitting outside on the bleachers in the football court.

"Oh, that'd be so fun!" Bev commented, clapping her hands together and smiling. Bill blushed and looked away.

"Cool. D-does this wuh-weekend work fuh-for all of y-you?"

One by one, all the Losers agreed to the sleepover. They would be getting to Bill's at 10 am and would spend the whole day together, sleep in Bill's basement, and spend the whole other day together.

"This'll be fun."  Ben smiled. They all agreed.

"Cool, should we bring anything?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, buh-bring food and sh-sh-shit." Bill replied. They all agreed to bring at least one snack or drink each.

"And your parents won't mind having me over?" Mike asked nervously. They understood why, being black in the eighties was a challenge.

"Yuh-yeah, my aunt's buh-buh-boyfriend is buh-black." Bill chucked and Mike was relieved.

"What about me?" Beverly asked.

"I duh-don't think my puh-parents kuh-care."

"Cool. Should I bring weed or anything? Alcohol, drugs?"

"Damn Bevie, where do you get this shit?" Richie asked and they laughed, knowing damn well she stole it from her dad.

"Actually, you should bring some alcohol. No drugs or anything though." Stan said, surprising the whole group.

"Damn Stan-the-Man, you're growin' up!" Richie said with a grin, giving him a knuckle sandwich on the head, messing up his curls. Stan adjusted his kippah and rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe we still have to wait three more days!" Ben complained, making exaggerated movements with hands arms. Beverly giggled.

"Way too long. A whopping seventy-something hours." Mike replied, mocking fainting.

The Losers laughed. But soon, their laugh was mixed with another groups laugh. A much more mean, sarcastic laugh.

"Ew." Eddie said, plugging his nose and moving his hand to ward off a non-existent smell. "Trash."

It was stupid, but the Losers chucked.

Walking near them was Henry's group of assholes. Somehow, the majority of that group was in the same grade as the Losers, despite them being several years older. They were stupid, no doubt. Adults hated them, kids feared them.

Luckily, Henry didn't see them. It would be a problem if he did.

Henry Bowers had a very special place in his non-existent heart for the Losers. He hated them more than any other students at this school. The Losers had an idea why. It wasn't everyday that he got humiliated by the kids he bullied.

Ever since the rockfight, Henry has been out to get them. Even if he hadn't been as much a nuisance as usual, everytime he did do something to one of them, it was worse than usual.

Once they passed, the Losers excitedly began to give random ideas of things they could do at the sleepover.

"We should make a list of games we could play!" Beverly said. "I'll take care of it."

"Cool! What should we bring?" Mike asked.

"The usual, puh-pillows, buh-blankets, snacks, games I g-g-guess." Bill replied.

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