Chapter 6

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Eddie went downstairs and checked the time on the stove.


Richie would be here any moment now.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Eddie's heart started to race. Oh my God, he had not prepared for this. What was he supposed to do?

Eddie grabbed his 5$ in coins and shoved them in his fanny pack before opening the door.

Standing before him was an obviously extremely nervous Richie, giving Eddie a half grin.

"You ready?" Richie asked. Richie shook his head. "That sounded stupid. I meant, are you ready to go?"

Eddie smiled sweetly. "Yep. Are you?"

Richie grinned back. "Of course, m'lad." Richie winked.

Under this new context, it gave Eddie butterflies.

They both started walking towards mainstreet. There was an awkward silence at first, before Richie asked Eddie which ice cream parlor he wanted to go to.

Eddie then began a short rant on how Benny's Ice-cream was obviously superior to Chocolates, because of so and so.

Richie just stayed silent and listened, something he rarely did. But he loved every second of Eddie's blabbering.

Soon enough, they reached Benny's Ice-cream parlor (much to Eddie's delight). Richie ordered a Sundae and Eddie ordered a strawberry cone.

"Where do you want to go?" Richie asked Eddie when they were paying.

"Sincs the others are down at the Barrens, do you want to go to the cabin?" Eddie replied, taking his cone from the teen working at the counter.


They got into another long conversation on their way down to their clubhouse, debating whether or not spiders were insects.

Halfway there, Richie offered Eddie a spoonful of his Sunday. Eddie agreed, tasting the Sunday and making a face.

"This is so sweet, how do you eat this?" He asked.

"Oh its not that bad. Let me taste yours." Eddie brought his ice cream up to Eddie's mouth and Richie took a lick.

"And you call mine sweet?" Richie said, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, well strawberry is the good kind of sweet, not the sticky chocolate lying sweet."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"You know I'm right."

"I do."

They both smiled.

Then, Richie decided to make a bold move.

He took Eddie's hand, just loose enough for Eddie to move his hand if he was uncomfortable. But Eddie kept his hand there.

Infact, he tightened his grip.

Richie's face became red, and he tried to hide it by turning his head to throw out his now empty plastic cup out in a passing trash can.

Eddie saw. He smiled, knowing he was the one who made Richie feel like that. He was. No one else.

"We're here!" Richie said, unlocking their fingers and opening the trapdoor open for Eddie. They both climbed down and sat in the same blue hammock. This time however, they both sat with their feet facing the same direction, so their sides were touching. It was a small gesture, one they had done more than one time, but it gave both boys butterflies.

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