Chapter 5

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"Good morning, Stanny!" Richie said, plopping down beside Stanley.

Stanley was confused for a moment until he recognized Richie. He looked so different without his glasses.

"What did you do to your glasses?" Stan asked.

"Eddie has them." Richie replied, not looking Stanley in the eye.

Stanley was a little confused but didn't question it. He didn't really question anything Richie did anymore, honestly.

Bev, Mike, Ben and Bill sat outside with their class materials, waiting for the bell to ring. Soon, they saw Stan and Richie approaching, and they both sat down next to their friends and started chatting.

A few minutes later, Eddie came over.

"Richie, come with me." Eddie said, holding out his hand for Richie to take.

The Losers 'oooo'd as Richie took Eddie's hand to get up.

"What did Richie do now?" Mike asked Eddie.

Eddie just rolled his eyes and grinned. "You'll see."

Eddie dragged Richie over to the auditorium, making sure it was empty before pinning Richie against the wall and kissing him.

"Damn, you're so desperate Eds." Richie said, but he kissed back.

"Yeah well, when your crush kisses you you're not too eager to dismiss it." Eddie said, finally pulling away.

Richie blushed furiously. "W-what?"

"You heard me," Eddie muttered.

Richie just chuckled and layed his head on Eddie's shoulder.

"Holy fuck Eds. I never thought I would hear you say that." Richie said.

For a second, Eddie's heart stopped. Did he not feel the same? Had he just wasted all his years of friendship with him simply by confessing?

"I really like you too." Richie whispered. Eddie barely caught it, but when he did, he smiled brightly.

"Really?!" He asked.

"Really." Richie confirmed.

Neither boy could stop smiling as they hugged. Richie kissed Eddie's cheek, giving him butterflies.

"Would you consider going on a date with me?" Richie asked.

Eddie looked at him stunned.

"Nothing too cheesy, just getting ice cream or something after school today!"

"Yeah, I'd love that."



"What time?"

"Pick me up at mine at four?"


They kissed one last time before the bell rang.

"Oh, before I forget, here." Eddie said, handing Richie his glasses. "You forgot these at mine."

"Cool, thanks Eds." Richie smiled.

Both boys parted ways to go to their respective classes. Richie had P.E. with Mike and Bill, and Eddie had math alone.

All throughout class, neither boy could stop thinking about the other. Holy shit that had really happened. Bill and Mike noticed how different Richie was acting. He wasn't being his usual loud self, and that worried them. Did Eddie say something to him?

But they saw his dreamy expression, and knew he was alright. They decided not to badger him with questions. Mike was pretty sure he knew what was going on, but Bill was completely oblivious.

"What's up hoes?" Richie said confidently, sitting down on the grass beside Eddie and wrapping his arms around the kther's shoulders. Eddie wouldn't look anyone in the eye.

Stan and Mike gave eachother a look.

"Hey Richie!" Ben said, chewing on his sandwich.

"How'uhh was your day'uhh matey?" Richie asked no one in particular in his pirate voice. They group all responded in 'okay's and 'good's.

"Two m-more da-days until the sl-sluh-sluh-sleepover, you g-guys excited?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, it's going to be so fun!" Beverly said. "Bye the way, it's announcing to get up to 29⁰ today, so would you all like to go to the Barrens to swim?"

Eddie and Richie shot eachother a look.

"I can go Beverly." Ben responded.

"Me too." Bill said.

"I'm needed at the slaughter house, so not today." Mike said

"That sucks." Beverly replied.

"I can go." Stanley said.

"I can't." Richie said, shaking his head.

"Me neither." Eddie replied.

"Awwe, why not?" Beverly asked.

"I have to help my mom with supper, she's making peroges." Eddie lied

"I have homework." Richie said. That was a damn awful lie, but Ben bought it.

The others did not, but they didn't comment on it.

"Cool, cool." Bev said.

They continued eating, chatting about anything and everything that came to their minds.

"Bye Losers!" Richie called out to Bill, Mike and Beverly who were getting their bikes to bike home.

Eddie, Stanley, Richie and Ben all took the busses since they lived a little too far away. Ben and Eddie had the same bus, but had a different bus than Richie and Stan, which was weird because they lived relatively close together.

Eddie was at home, trying to calm his beating heart.

It's fine, he was just going on a date with Richie, the person he loved and hated most in the world.

The guy he had had a crush on since he was old enough to acknowledge it.

The guy he became best friends with after a younger Richie Tozier gave him a blue dog and asked if he liked dogs too.

Eddie looked at himself in the mirror, then looked down at his hands.

They were shaking. Obviously.

He still had a half hour until Richie came over, so he decided to do some extra credits math homework.

At Richie's house, Richie felt the exact same way Eddie did.

However, he did a much better job at hiding it.

He went to make some eggos -the blueberry kind obviously- and dropped the unopened butter multiple times. He also somehow cut himself with a butter knife.

How that was possible, you tell me.

When he finished eating, he checked the time.


He should start walking towards Eddie's house.

Richie put on his very worn down shoes and started walking, clutching the 10$ in his sweaty hands tightly.

Too soon and not soon enough he made it to Eddie's door.

He knocked.

The door slid open.

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