Halloween special

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"Richie get the fuck out of the closet." Stan said, re-adjusting his vampire cape for the millionth time.

"I'm gay!" Richie announces, finally stepping out of the physical closet, dressed like a clown, completed with huge shoes and a squeaky nose.

"I know, now hurry up. We're going to be late to meet the others." Stan replied.

The two got on their bikes and rode to Big Bill's house, where they were the last ones there

Bill had fake decaying skin that fitted his zombie costume perfectly, Bev had a black wig that covered half her face, with black eyeshadow and white dress that was splatterd with fake blood. Ben was wearing a super Mario costume from Walmart, and Mike had an inflatable alien costume that was designed to look like the alien was kidnapping him. Finally, Eddie was wearing all white, with black eyeshadow. He was supposed to be a ghost.

"You guys ready?" Richie squeezed his red nose, which squeaked.

"Woah, that thing actually works?" Mike asked, sqeezing Richie's nose, which earned him another squeak.

"Yessir! Ain't no finer clown costume anywhere!" Richie mimicked a Texan accent. The others rolled their eyes, but Mike laughed.

"C-c-come on! L-lets go!" Bill took Beverly's hand and dragged her with him, and the other's followed suit.

This year, Halloween had fallen on a Friday, which was great for them. It meant they were allowed to stay out as late as they wanted! Even Eddie, because he had convinced his mom that he was going to a study group.

It made Richie happy he was able to lie to his mom, because  he knew how bad of a person she was, even if Eddie didn't. That boy needed a break from his insufferable mother.

"Let's go over there first, that's the start of the richer neighborhoods. If they don't give out full candy bars, I'm sueing." Ben exclaimed. The others agreed that going to the rich neighborhood was the better option, sk they went there.

"Look at the big skeleton over there!" Richie exclaimed, grabbing Eddie's hand and pointing his hand in the genedal direction of a house that had really outdone itself this year. "I'm going to steal it!"

"Richie that is a terrible idea, don't do that." Eddie retorted, rolling his eyes. His boyfriend was a dumbass.

"Mhmmm," Richie said suspiciously, as if he actually had plans to go steal the ten foot tall skeleton. Knowing Richie, Eddie wouldn't be that surprised if he was trying to figure out a plan.


A couple hours later, they had reached enough candy to feed a small army. They were all tired and decided to go back to Bill's, where they were all staying the night.


"What movie should we watch?" Stanley asked, flipping through channels on the TV. Everyone had gotten out of their costumes and makeup. Richie kept the clown nose though, he said it 'complemented his face'. Nobody agreed, but nobody tried to argue with him either.

"How about The Thing? It's a classic!" Ben said. Mike and Bill nodded simultaneously.

Eddie and Richie both agreed, and so they started watching The Thing. It was a really good movie, but halfway through, Stan and Beverly started complaining about wanting popcorn.

"Wh-wuh-why can't you eat your c-c-c-candy?" Bill asked, sure they hadn't finished it all already.

"It's too sweet," complained Beverly. "My mouth is going to die of sweetness!"

"I'll go make the popcorn," Richie sighed dramatically, knowing the duo wouldn't stop complaining until they got what they wanted.

"I'll come with." Eddie said. Richie shot him a questioning look but didn't question it.

The two went to Bill's kitchen and took out the popcorn. Richie set it for four minutes and fourty-four seconds.

"I was too lazy to move my hand to the zero, so I'll just stop it when it stops popping." Was his excuse.

The two kind of just stood there for a moment, before their minds suddenly moved in synch.

Eddie grabbed the back of Richie's head and Richie grabbed Eddie's waist and they kissed. Hard.

"You're beautiful," Richie said between kisses. That made Eddie blush.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"Seriously, how long does it take to make popcorn-" Stan's voice came from the hall. Eddie pushed Richie away as soon as Stan came through the open door.

The three just stared at eachother, knowing that the other knew.

After a few awkward moments, Stan just sighed. "Hurry up with it, will you?" And he left.

Richie and Eddie looked at eachother, and burst into laughter.

"Shit, the popcorn Rich!" Eddie said, smelling burnt.

They went back to the movie, grinning and holding hands. The others pretended not to notice, but they did.


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