𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆: 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚

156 8 1

Hongjoong sat on his couch in front of his television where he was watching the latest news about a rising kpop group called Ateez. The group has been getting a lot of attention because of their certain genre of music, that many like.

"How could they not win they're so talented and they have amazing visuals" Hongjoong muttered to himself as he reached for a cupcake that was on his coffee table. Suddenly stopping as negative memories and thoughts flooded his mind, and the voices returned like a fresh wound.

'You're eating again? Just look at yourself in the mirror for once and then decide if it is worth it' a girl snickered. 'Look just how big you are! Have you ever considered ever going on a diet?' A boy then told him. 'Are you just eating junk food, you fag!' The crowd kept telling him in his thoughts.

Before the bad thoughts could get worse Hongjoong snapped out of his trance. "Maybe I should just stop eating, they are right look how fat I am" He mumbled as he looked down towards his proment ribs that abnormaly stood out.

Hongjoong proceeded to go to his room that was upstairs and stood infront of his full length mirror, no matter if someone were to tell him that he needed to eat more so he doesn't die of starvation. In his eyes he himself still thinks that he is fat, he found it amusing how he used to be carefree about his life until the negativity clouded his everyday beutiful teenage years. The snow-haired male always noticed that people on social media would praise female and male idols for their unique physical appearance, unfortunately for him that wasn't the case.

Hongjoong wanted to have that confidence in himself, but in return when he would show off how much he loved his body he would recieve so much back lash. He eventually returned to reality and stopped, covering up his body with a large blanket. He once again sat on his couch as he pulled the fluffy blanket to cover his small frame. The snow-haired male heard three loud knocks on his door.

'Who could that be?' He wondered as his eyebrows scrunched together.

He trudged to the door and looked through the peep hole, loudly gasping in surprise. He squealed as ge saw a tall raven-haired male, "Soobin!" He yelled as he threw himself on to his best friend's tall frame. "Joongie!" The tall friend also yelled as he caught his friend as he clinged like a baby koala with its mother, "it's been forever since you left" the snow-haired male said as he wiped the tears that constantly fell from his eyes.

"Hey why are you crying?" Soobin asked as he embraced his small friend, "Nah my eyes are sweating. Why do you think I'm crying?" The smaller friend said with sarcasm, "oh, I'm honored to know that I made my best friend cry. I'm going to capture this moment for the rest of my life" the other said with a smug face. Hongjoong hit him lightly on the arm with a whine, "Well what are you waiting for, come in" He said as he motioned the other to follow him into his apartment.

Soobin gladly accepted as ge took off his shoes at the doorway and put on some slippers that were on the rack next to the wall, "So tell me about your studies abroad in China?" The smaller asked as he grabbed a water for himself and a diet coke for his best friend. He quickly ran to the couch were the ravenette waited for him, and received the diet coke with gratitude.

"Well it was difficult to learn the language since their are so many characters" He started off with a small chuckle, "I somehow got the hang of it and made a few crackhead friends over there too" the taller said chugging down the carbonated soft drink. He explained how he managed to convince his parents to comeback to Korea a year earlier than intended to, "So tell me how have you been?" He finally asked.

Hongjoong hesitated a bit to respond but nonetheless knew he had to tell his best friend who had left for three years, "I have not been the best lately" the smaller said truthfully looking away trying to ignore the painful aching in his chest. "What do you mean? You told me you were doing alright?" The ravenette said as he leaned forward with a concerned face, "what if I told you it was all a lie?" The snow-haired croaked out.

"What?" Soobin said with disbelief, "I'll tell you everything that has happened ever since you left three years ago" and thus Hongjoong told him every detail that occured throughout the years. By the end of the explanation the ravenette was fuming with anger not only with the people who dared to hurt his best friend but with Hongjoong also.

"So let me get this straight you were bullied and fat-shamed which lead you to look like a walking corpse but you also attempted suicide," Soobin took a deep breath to relax his anger, "And you also committed self harm?" He asked to which the smaller nodded in confirmation. "First off your not allowed to be around any sharp blades from now on and you're going to go to get therapy" Soobin finalized his statement and went to go get a box for the sharp objects.

Hongjoong smile weakly, he could finally see the light at the end of his dark tunnel of misery.


Cameras flashed throughout the whole studio, seven men stood still in the middle of white studio room. Each of them showed their solemn face for the fashion magazine.

"Yeosang, can you turn slightly to the left?" the male photographer asked, to which the blonde-haired male complied. After half an hour the team clarified it was all for the day, "We'll publish this on the cover of vogue within the next few hours" Yi-jin, ateez manager, informed the young adults, who nodded.

"Do we have anything else?" Asked San, who stretched his muscles, "Yes, dance practice in twenty minutes for about an hour and a half for the upcoming tour in America" Yi-jin responded, "anything else you want to asked me?" He asked as he looked at their tight and busy schedule.

"No" they all said in unison, "Alright I will be on my way" Yi-jin stated with a bow in respect as he left the room. "Let's have fried chicken after practice, we won't be eating shit other than those salads" Yeosang said with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah let's get going to change our clothes for practice" Seonghwa said as he fantasized the delicious taste of the fried chicken on his taste buds, it had been along time since he had a cheat day with all the diets he had to do to maintain a healthy physical body.


'In my baggy, baggy, baggy, baggy jeans'

The room was filled with booming music as they revised all the covers and choreography of their own songs they were going to preform in about a month.

"I'm so tired!" Wooyoung complained laying on the floor drenched in sweat, "Well this what you get for choosing to follow me in my audition to become a trainee than an idol" Yeosang snapped back at his complaint.

"We won't leave here until we've got everything down and perfected" Seonghwa said darkly, "I feel kidnapped when you say it like that" Mingi said sarcastically as everyone laughed at his comment. "You little-" the leader was about to say something when everyone went their separate ways and ignored him, leaving him alone as always.

"Just get back to practicing, breaks over!" Seonghwa sighed in annoyance.


2 hours later

"I feel like I'm dying! This fried chicken better be worth it!" Wooyoung exaggerated, "if you're being like this now, what will happen on the tour. Rip Yi-jin's brain and patients" the raven mumbled to himself.

The older fell into his bed, every muscle in his body ached from all the excersise. He just sighed and went under the black blanket. He kept thinking to himself, how amazing it will be that he will be able to see his fans again infront of him and have fun with his members.

The raven closed his eyes with a small smile on his lips as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


First chapter of perfection 🤩
What do you think, (rewritten)?
1444 words

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