𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙: 𝑲𝒊𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒔, 𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒔

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Seonghwa and his members layed on the floor drenched in sweat and exhausted, "why is this damn choreo so hard!" He heard Yunho whine in frustration. "I don't know but we need to work hard to perfect it for the tour" The oldest said as he drank water, "can't we take a break?" San asked with pleading eyes to which he got a cold glare.

"No" the leader said as he grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat on, "We need to review all the choreos to our songs that we are going to preform" He said as he cracked his knuckles. "We still have an interview this afternoon and a photo shoot for a magazine campaign after that and finally we finish off the day at a radio station" He said as he explained their busy schedule.

"We won't have time to practice in the day time or in the night" He finalized as he looked at his members faces who comprehended the situation and slowly nodded their heads. "We'll be done in an hour so please bear with it" The ravenette said as he ran his hand through his sweaty hair. All of the young adults got up form the floor and assembled in their places to finish practice.

The determination showed through their hard work even if they are tired from all the excersise. After half an hour their manager entered the practice room and told them to go to their dorms and wash up, all them agreed and returned to their dorms. "Should we order take out?" Asked Wooyoung, all the boys were about to agree when their leader spoke up, "I barely got a message from Yi-jin that said we're on a diet" Seonghwa said disappointed.

All of them let out series of groans and even curses, "that's fucking stupid we can't even enjoy ourselves" Mingi said as he threw his head back in annoyance. "Theres nothing I can do boys, rules are rules even if they are fucking stupid" the leader said as he looked at his team apologetically.

'And there goes our amazing feast' Seonghwa thought.


The boys had barely finished an interview and were on their way to the photo shoot with their manager, "we're here" announced the driver as they got out the bodyguards surrounded them as fans started to scream. All of them gave the fans charming smiles and waved as they entered the building, "Ah hello! Gentle men" said a tall female as she bowed respectfully to which they also bowed.

"Right this way" she said as she ushered them into the changing room where the make-up artists and stylist were stood and bowed, "our theme is winter Wonderland and our color scheme will be mostly white" the lady said in hurry as she left the room and into the studio. Each member was ushered to their seats in front of a make-up vanity by the make-up artists.

Once they finished with their make-up they walked to the stylist who had each individual outfit picked out for each member, "Holy fucking shit! I look good" San's voice could be heard as he looked at himself on mirror. "Sannie you look like one of those street crushes" Wooyoung giggled as light pink blush covered his pale cheeks.

"Man what the fuck are you talking about? He looks terrifying, he's seems more like a mafia than a cute crush" Yeosang said as he retreated back ready to start running away from the angry male, instead San approached him with puckered up lips. "Why are you so mean Yeosangie?~" the bulked man cooed as he reached out his arms for a hug.

"Nah get the fuck away from me!" Yeosang said as he started to run around the room, still being careful to not bump into anyone or anything as he ran around. Seonghwa chuckled as he saw them playfully running around, "Alright cut it out let's get going" He said as he noticed all of them were done.

They reached the studio where they found the photographer, she introduced herself and was very respectful towards their boundaries which the boys were relieved. The first pair to take their photo was San and Wooyoung, to which the pair was happy to model with eachother. The next pair was Jongho and Yeosang, the rejoiced since they didn't want to model with the other members.

The remaining members posed, which was the two tallest members and their leader who wasn't that short either. They took a group photo and solo ones too, "thank you to all of you for coming" the photographer said as she bowed respectfully towards the group of young adults.

In all honesty Seonghwa was tired but he had to deal with it since they still had to finish with the radio station.


With Hongjoong

"Did you see the photos that were released today?!" Soobin's yelling could be heard from a mile away, "I did and why are you screaming in my ear when I'm like a foot away from you stupid bitch" Hongjoong whined as he rubbed his left ear as he felt like it was going to fall off. "Cause it's big and amazing news?! Why else would I be screaming?" He exclaimed with a done expression.

Soobin had barged into his apartment, scaring the lights out of him as he tried to cook something for his starving. "When you finally get a boyfriend? Why else?" Hongjoong said as he continued to cook his food, "you should more excited" the ravenette sulked as he sat down on the soft couch. "Oh trust me I would've been if I wasn't starving. Food always comes first" the snow-haired male said as he rubbed his growling stomach.

Soobin rolled his eyes as he turned on the TV and looked up some music on Hongjoong's spotify account. He found a playlist and played it to distract his mind from all his school work that is piled on his desk at home, "Joongie you know that that concert is in America in a few weeks?" He asked to which the other responded with a hum. "And we haven't bought any plane tickets" he added on.

"Which means we need to buy plane tickets" Hongjoong responded back as he brought his kimchi stew to the coffee table along with a bowl with white rice, "why don't we buy some now?" The snow-haired male suggested and got his laptop that was on his desk near his full length window. "Who's paying?" Soobin asked as he looked at his best friend who also looked back at him.

"It's your turn to pay for something" the ravenette said as he pointed out the obvious, "but you know I'm fucking broke! You're the son of a millionaire so don't even try me bitch!" The older responded back as he looked at his friend with a glare knowing that he could pay.

"Fine I'll pay only if you agree to buy me something in America" He said as he extended his pinky finger, "alright" said the smaller friend as he also extended his pinky finger, interlocking them.

A whole new experience is waiting for them.


1211 words

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