♡︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒕

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'Not this. Anything but this!' Hongjoong thought, "yeah I'm a dip" He said retreating from the store. "Oh come on your no fun" Ryujin said, pouting as she entered the store and the other went to a Kpop store to see what he could find there.

"They have the new Ateez album?!" He whispered yelled, "I need this. My life practically depends on this, I'm going to die if I don't have this amazing album" the snow-haired male whispered this to himself repeatedly. He went to the cash register where a cute guy was, "is that all for you?" He asked his deep voice smooth like honey. "Yes" Hongjoong said nervously as he pulled out the necessary amount to pay, "have a great night" the cute guy said "you too" He said back.

'Hongjoong remember what Seonghwa said to not look at hot people!' He thought as his face flushed more.

He sat outside of 'the store' where Ryujin had went into, eager to open his album but he unfortunately couldn't since he didn't want to lose any of his precious items. "Hey I'm done let's go it's getting late" He heard the girl say and started walking with his items in his hands. Once they were both outside they bid their goodbyes and promised to keep in contact with eachother.

He breathed in the cold winter air, it was quite peaceful except for the sound of the city streets bustling with cars and the city streets full of random people trying to get to their destinations. He stopped at the bus stop waiting for the last bus to come through, as he waited he watched people come and go.

Finally after the long and awaited time the bus came through and people hurried to get a seat. He also hurried to get a seat, Hongjoong chose a seat in the very back of the bus to avoid people as much as he could. He put his headphones on and started to listen to music, he was in his own world now. He looked out into the city streets from the cold tinted window.

Hongjoong finally arrived at his apartment complex and got off at his stop, he smiled at the thought of his cat waiting for him to feed her. He entered the lobby and greeted the secertary and hurried to the elevator, clicking the sixth floor. Once the elevator doors had opened he ran to his apartment and unlocked it and turned on the lights to see.

"Pudding I'm home!" He yelled as he took off his shoes and put them next to his door, while also grabbing his slippers from the rack next to his wall. A meow could be heard as a beautiful black cat appeared from the shadows, "did you miss me?" He asked as he squatted down and messaged under her chin.

She purred in delight, "I bet you're hungry" he said as he got up and looked at her empty food bowl. Hongjoong went into his cabinet and found her food, refilling her food bowl while also adding some other essential food products that she needs to be a healthy cat. "Here you go" He said as he put the food down and grabbed her water bowl that was low.

He turned on his tap water, filling up her water bowl. "And there you go now don't bother me I have something important to do" He said as he grabbed his still packaged album, running to his bedroom. The smaller plopped on to his bed turning on his TV and saw that Ateez had barely released a new video. He clicked on it, having it on as some background music.

"Alright let see who I get!" Hongjoong squealed as he took off the plastic wrapping around the album, "Stupid fucking bitch! Why are you being difficult!" He yelled out as he impatiently took off the plastic. His sweaty hands grabbed the cover and saw five photocards faced down, the snow-haired male placed them on his bed.

He flipped the first one and let out a little scream. "Oh my fucking god-Yeosang, he's so pretty!" He yelled out as ge saw the blonde haired male in the photo, tears threatened to fall out of his eyes from the excitement. He turned the second one over and screamed, "Holy shit! Damn look at them muscles! San you've been working out I see!" He yelled talking to a piece of thick paper of San flexing his muscles.

He got impatient and turned over the other three photocards, he let the loudest scream yet. "SEONGHWA! YES- LETS GO!" He screamed in rejoice seeing his bias on the other three photocards.

The coincidence.

"Alexa please search for some Park Seonghwa Ateez edits" He said to the voice service, "Searching for 'Park Seonghwa Ateez edit'" the voice repeated and some videos appeared on his flat screen tv. Hongjoong choose the first video compilation, "Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh" He said as he saw the first edit.

His tongue-why is he teasing us Atiny's like this?!

He sat stunned looking at his TV, "he's so hot!" He said out loud. It's not like anybody else lived with him other than his cat, "my heart can't take this" He said as he looked away and took a big breath. "Alexa, pause the video" He said to the voice service, as he rummaged through his stuff.

I can't lose to temptation like this! I need to stay strong. He repeated to himself in his head, but ended up losing with the battle to himself, well consciousness. He grabbed the lube bottle and some 'toys' he had stored in the depths of his closet. He went to his bed and cleared it from all the stuff he had on it by putting it on his bedside table.

The snow-haired male pulled his pants down and discarded them onto his bedroom floor. He grabbed his white laced panties and pushed them down and threw them onto the floor. The snow-haired male opened his legs running his index finger along his folds, slightly shivering as he let a small whimper out.

He grabbed the lube, covering his pointer finger and middle finger with the cold sticky substance. He ran his finger along his wet entrance, slightly teasing it. Hongjoong pushed one of his fingers in and moaned immediately as he started to slowly thrust it in and out of his wet walls. He slowly got used it and added another digit that made him back arch off the bed.

"Hmn~" He moaned

He grabbed the dildo and pushed it in between his folds, his body felt hot for the touch of someone to relieve the uncomfortable sweat that covered his body. He kept a steady pace and slowly started to speed up, the younger's legs were shaking from the amount of pleasure he was receiving from the toy. In no time he finished as he squirted all over the dildo, he gave a few small thrust and layed on his bed limp.

How the fuck did he get so horny?


So how do we feel about the smut? 🤨
I feel like it was kinda rushed? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
1212 words

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