𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒐: 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒔

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The one thing Hongjoong dreaded the most in life. He was the very introverted type and had his share of bullies too. "Earth to Hongjoong!" A tall male waved his hand in front of his face, worried. "Sorry Soobin I just spaced out for a second" Hongjoong responded with a shy smile as he started walking towards the huge double doors to the enormous campus.

"Let's go in" He added as he tried to give his best friend a warm smile but knew it's hard to lie to someone who has known you since middle school. "Joongie you know, you don't have to give me a forced smile if you want to. Just be yourself you can trust me ok?" The taller friend said as he pulled his short friend into a hug.

The snow haired male melted into the touch of his best friend, he always knew he could trust him. "Let's go to class before we're late!" Soobin said as he dragged his short, whining friend to their first shared class. "Stop complaining before I rob all your Ateez albums and flush them down the toilet" He said, threatening.

"You wouldn't!" Hongjoong gasped out.

"Oh I would" Soobin said smirking at his victory, "if you don't want that to happen then buy me an iced Americano~" He singed-songed out tempting the older. "Fine, but only this once because I'm broke bitch!" Hongjoong said rolling his eyes at the younger who rejoiced as he finally got what he wanted for the day.

"Don't worry I'll pay next time you want some coffee or strawberry cheesecake" the taller ravenette reassured his older friend, whose face lit up at the mentioning of his favorite pastry. "If you say so" Hongjoong said as he brushed back his imaginary long hair, "So when do you want to go to the coffee shop?" The older asked as he checked his schedule for the day.

"Probably two-thiry or three o'clock sharp" the dimpled male said as he he showed his infamous charming smile. "Alright I'll meet you at the school gates after you finish your last class of the day, is that ok with you?" He asked as he saw he only had two classes for today. "That's fine with me" Soobin responded as he pulled out his tablet to start taking notes.

As soon as they had finished talking the professor entered through the door and started talking, "Hello students today we will be talking an exam for a final grade in the semester" He said as he started reviewing some important subjects that might be in the exam, "You may begin" He stated as he left the room to refill his coffee cup.

Hongjoong looked at the test with a blank expression and cursed himself for not studying the day before. He just groaned in internal pain, praying to whatever God there was to help him with this final exam his grade is depending on.


"Fucking hell I didn't fucking know shit on that exam" Soobin groaned as he hit his head on the table, making his drink slight move. "I'm pretty sure I got at least a seventy percent or higher" the older boy said to his younger friend since some of the questions after the first were easy.

"Don't make me feel worse, Joongie" the ravenette said, sulking as he looked up with doe eyes. "Alright I won't" Hongjoong said as he sipped some of coffee and looking at the scenery outside of the café from the full length window.

"It's the first snow fall of the season" He said happily as he looked out and saw snow falling from the sky, "it is very beautiful" said the taller friend as he looked out with his face still pressed to the wooden table. "Well now that we're on Christmas break, what should we do?" The dimpled man asked asked his friend who also started thinking.

"Well I saw that Ateez is going to have a concert in a week, so we should go get tickets and go" Hongjoong said excitedly as he clapped his hands happily. "Alright we should start shopping for some outfits!" Soobin said excitedly. "When?" The smaller asked as he took a bite out of his strawberry cheesecake, "tomorrow after we get tickets" the older stated.

"It depends because I still I have to go to the studio, you know" Hongjoong said, since his morning schedule was booked. "What time are you available then?" Soobin asked, taking another sip of his iced Americano.

"In the evening, around four-thirty to five" the snow haired male said as he grabbed a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth from the excess coffee and cheesecake.

"Alright then I'll message you when I arrive at your house around five' Soobin said as they confirmed when they were going to go shopping. "Alright lets get going" Hongjoong said as he threw away his plastic coffee cup and left the plate where his cheesecake was. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow" Soobin bid his good bye and started walking towards his apartment complex, "yeah see you too" Hongjoong yelled as he also started walking towards his apartment complex too.

He looked at his phone, four twenty-five.

It was a great hour to go shopping for some clothes. He walked towards the bus stop to take the bus to the near by mall. He waited for the bus, the smaller and along with many others got on to the bus and chose a spot. The snow-haired male chose a seat in the very back to avoid any type of socializing with strangers.

He put his headphones in and started listening to music to help clear his mind and anxiety. He felt the bus stop and got up following the line of people as they got off the bus. He looked around his surroundings and spotted the mall, slightly jogging his way there. Hongjoong looked around to see multiple stores and floors.

This is going to take a while.


I'm back 👹
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