𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏: 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒎

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Hongjoong was so tired. The airplane seats were very uncomfortable in his opinion, and the fucking children on that flight were a pain in the ass. At least Soobin was having a blast annoying him to his limit. "Bin I love you and everything, but just fucking shut up for a one fucking minute" the smaller groaned out as he rubbed the sides of his head in a circular motion.

The taller looked at him in confusion. "Looks like someone is in a shitty mood today" He muttered under his breath, "It's more than 'just a shitty mood' I literally feel like I could just rip out your vocal chords right now" Hongjoong said in all honesty.

"Kinky" Soobin said with raising eyebrows while also biting his lip, "I can't deal with your bullshit right now" the snow-haired declared as he opened the door to their hotel room and plopped on to somewhat comfortable bed.

The snow-haired kicked his shoes off, and his pastel purple hoodie. Hongjoong wrapped himself in the plain white sheets provided by the hotel staff. Slowly his eyes drooped each passing second, finally giving into his desire for his tiredness. The concert was awaiting for him, therefore he needed the most rest he could possibly get.


"WOOSAN! Get both of your asses back here!" A strong voice boomed throughout the rented hotel room, "what the fuck do you want old man?" San groaned 8n frustration as he waddled behind Wooyoung with his exposed muscular arms wrapped around the younger's waist.

"What is the meaning of this?" Seonghwa asked with a raised eyebrow, sliding his phone. On it was an edit from a fan that had screen recorded their live together. "Just a little flirting, nothing much" responded Wooyoung with a shrug, "What do you mean 'just a little flirting?' Did you forget that we have a reputation that we have to maintain. You can't just fuck around like teenagers anymore, you need to mind what the press will say" Seonghwa continued to ramble another the consequences their actions could lead to.

"Enough rambling, old man. My head hurts" San complained as he buried his nose into the crook of the younger male's neck. "I'm dead serious and don't go on about how you're head hurts because you always end up having a migraine when you're getting into trouble" The ravenette said, being the leader and the oldest was not the easiest.

"You can't just drop the bomb about you being a couple on the world just like that, if you want to stay close together and lovey dovey. I advise to stay at a distance when in front of a camera, other than that I'm cool" The oldest says in the calmest voice he could maintain.

The couple nodded their heads quietly, showing respect to their leader and bowed. "Sorry, we were to reckless" Wooyoung muttered as San grunted a reply, Seonghwa felt sorry but they were a group that were being monitored twenty-four seven by the paparazzi and if a situation like this goes around.

It will be a bit difficult to tame, and especially with rumors. It was for their own good, it could be dangerous especially with stalker fans that are even willing to kill.

It was a total headache. The whole situation was going to be a mess


Hongjoong was strolling through the streets of a foreign country, enjoying the new environment. "Soobin how much is one dollar?" The snow-haired asked his best friend, "I honestly don't know but I know they count it like you know adding it up, but it's much more expensive here than Korea" The taller tried to explain how U.S currency worked but the older stood puzzlers he listened to his explanation.

"You know what, just ask me" Soobin said with a tight smile.

"Oh okay" Hongjoong agreed.

The two spent their afternoon shopping and exploring the new environment. Eating food that they didn't know even existed on the face of this Earth.

"Come on Joongie! Please, you said you were going to buy me anything once we landed!" Soobin begs his best friend, "Only one though" Hongjoong groans. "You know one isn't enough I need the whole store!" The ravenette whines, "I'm not going to get you a whole fucking kpop store. You practically have a library of books!" The smaller yells, his wallet crying.

Hongjoong glares at the ravenette.

"I'm broke remember?"

"Oh please bitch you have a library of yaoi books"

"So what? Those mighty dicks are impressive"

"And you can't buy me a store of kpop album?"

"You're the millionaire here!"

"I'm just rich, not millionaire rich!"

"Therefore you can buy yourself an entire store if you wanted to!"

"It's useless with you, just like five?"

Hongjoong sighs as he gives into his best friends tac tics, Soobin cheered in victory. He skipped happily as he entered the store, which looked weird for a six foot man to do. Nonetheless was a cute sight to behold, the older drags his feet along the white marble floor of the mall.

Soobin happily hummed the song that played in the store as he revised any albums that he didn't already have, "What's there to look at if you have at least have of these albums in here?" The older asked paranoid. "At lot you see Minji in this album. Goddess literally" He gushes over his albums as the smaller simply hums. Waiting for his best friend to finish up he listens to some music quietly, then he felt a tap on his shoulder and turns around.

"Excuse me I need to grab something from that shelf" a young girl says as he moves to his left, not knowing what she said but moved out of her way. "Soobin are you done?" He calls out, "Yeah!" The male replied enthusiastically. They walked up to the register and payed everything with Hongjoong's card to which he had established with Soobin so he could pay for necessary things.

Five more days until the concert.


My bad for taking a mini hiatus! I'm back for now, hopefully. I'll try to finish this book with in this month but there are no promises. I'm kinda getting pressured cus it's almost been a year since I've published it so. . . You get the gist.

- Angel

1062 words

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