Chapter 3

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Ms. Ryder's POV

"Tell you what, I'll make a deal with you."

I raised my eyebrow, curious as to what she was going to say.

"Is that right?" I asked, squinting my eyes at her.

I could tell that she was up to something.

She slowly nodded her head, continuing to stare at me. She looked as if she was trying to piece something together, but I wasn't sure what it was.

This girl was a mystery.

"I will gradually tell you about my powers... if, and only if, you tell me more about yourself and your powers. Other than you being able to turn invisible of course."

Interesting I thought.

Pausing for a moment wondering if this would be a good idea.

I never willingly talked about myself with other people. Let alone I never imagined that I would be contemplating having this kind of conversation with one of my students that I just barely met.

Then again, for some strange reason I also felt like I could trust her too. I took a moment before slowly nodding my head.

"That seems to be a fair trade." Oh, what the heck, why not? I doubt this could go anywhere anyways.

I'll humor her.

Her eyes widened, seeming surprised at how easily I agreed to her suggestion. And to be honest, I was surprised with myself too.

"Okay well in that case, what's your first name?"

Now this caught me off guard. Out of all of the possible questions she could ask me, she settled on asking me what my name is.

"Megan..." I hesitated. Instantly watching as a big smile spread across her face, showing her perfectly straight white teeth.

I felt my stomach do a flip as I stared at her. Was this actually okay for me to agree to something like this? No definitely not.

It didn't help that I was curious about her took, or the fact that I found her to be extremely attractive.

"That's a pretty name." she suddenly said. I felt myself blush and ushered in a small thanks.

"Okay your turn, tell me more about your powers." I quickly said, trying to regain some of my composure back.

Plus, if it wasn't already obvious, I was very eager to know more about her.

She giggled at me before she started to smile again, making me feel like I couldn't fully breathe.

"Well, my favorite color is purple. " I heard her say. I looked at her dumbfounded, questioning if she was messing with me.

"That's not-"


Her mouth didn't even move. My eyes widened in realization. Can she?

"That's right. Telepathy is one." She smirked at my shocked expression; I was not expecting this.

"Wow." was all that I could say. Clearly being impressed by her.

"Alright one more question and then you should probably get going to your next class." I said, causing her to slowly nod her head.

"Okay, my next question is... Just who exactly are you?" She asked, seeming suspicious about something.

Now this threw me off completely.

What did she mean by that? I must not have answered in a while because she spoke again.

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