Chapter 25

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Ellie's POV

It's Tuesday, currently the next day after we started deciphering the book of relics and the first day that classes have started back up again.

By the time it reached 12AM last night, we had all decided that we should probably head to bed and get some rest, especially since we all had classes to be too.

Megan ended up spending the night with me since her cousin had crashed on my couch, and Liz ended up taking the guestroom downstairs. 

We didn't do anything other than cuddle and kiss... ALOT, knowing that someone would be able to hear us if we did any other things. 

So, we settled on doing just that, on top of us talking about what all of this could mean for us going forward.

I never was able to tell Megan how I really felt ever since the day of her parents showing up, and well with everything that's been going on now, the timing hasn't felt right either. 

I'm hoping to tell her soon though.

"Ms. Moon would you please tell us why frog tongue is necessary to use when making a dysmorphia potion?" Ms. Raie asked, completely taking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sure Ms. Raie...Frog tongue is the most important thing to use while making this potion because it is what makes us able to take on any kind of form we desire. An example is I could make myself look and sound like you if I wanted." I answered, earning myself a very pleased look from my teacher.

"Wonderful, that is correct." she said, a small blush appearing on her face as she turned back to the board and resumed her lecture.

I saw Liz giving me a teasing look, knowing full well that Ms. Raie must have had something for me. 

Then again, she has been like that all year so who knows?

I would never hear the end of it from Liz about how I had two of the hottest teachers in the whole school courting me.

I just chuckled to myself as I continued to write the rest of the notes down throughout the rest of class.

Once the bell rang, signaling that class was now over, Ms. Raie motioned for me to come see her.

"Hi Ms. What can I do for you?" I asked the brunette teacher, seeing the same blush from earlier playing on her face.

"Ms. Moon, I just wanted to say that you have been doing excellently in my classes so far! Thank you for always making my job that much easier." she complimented, averting her eyes to the floor for a split second.

"Well thank you for the compliment, Ms. I always aim to impress." I smiled, feeling satisfied with the feedback she had just told me. 

I watched as her eyes averted back to mine, an almost familiar emotion hiding behind her them.

"Of course." She whispered, seeming deep in thought about something. 

I just continued to smile at her before noticing the time.

"I should probably head to my next class now Ms." I said, alerting Ms. Raie that I indeed should get going. 

She slowly nodded her head at me, as I turned around and began to walk away.

"Ellie wait." she said, suddenly pulling on my wrist and spinning me around to face her instantly giving her a startled look.

"Listen, I know that this is very unprofessional of me, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... And if you would give me the chance I would be honored if you would date me?" Ms. Raie admitted, completely making me freeze in place.

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