I won't.... even if you do

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In the deepest corners of my mind, you reside,
A memory that refuses to subside.
Though you may forget, and let me slip through,
I vow, my love, I won't ever forget you.

Like whispers carried by the gentle breeze,
Our moments together, sweet melodies.
Through laughter and tears, we once soared so high,
Forever etched in my heart, you'll never be denied.

The stars may fade, and the sun disappear,
But my love for you, it shall always remain clear.
Time may try to erase our tale's hue,
But I swear, my dear, I won't ever forget you.

Through seasons of change, and paths that diverge,
Your presence, a flame that refuses to purge.
Though distance may separate, and bring us apart,
The imprint of your soul lingers, deep in my heart.

For even if you choose to abandon the past,
And walk away swiftly, letting go so fast,
Know that with every beat of my heart, it's true,
I won't ever forget you, even if you do.

In the tapestry of memories, you'll forever reside,
A love that remains, even if cast aside.
For my heart is steadfast, and it knows no end,
To hold onto the love, that time cannot mend.

So go on, forget me, if that's what you will,
But remember, my love, I cherish you still.
In dreams and whispers, our bond shall stay,
For I won't ever forget you, come what may.

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