The passed time

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In days of youth, a maiden fair and bright,

She'd run and play, without a care,

Her laughter echoed, her joy so rare.

But time doth pass, and seasons change,

Her cares and woes, like autumn's range.

She's lost in thought, her heart so sore,

No peace can find, no joy in store.

For all around, they share their plight,

Their burdens heavy, their souls not bright.

They come to her, with tears and woe,

And she, with kindness, doth bestow.

Her ears attentive, her heart so true,

She listens well, and comforts them anew.

But as they leave, their cares apart,

She's left with thoughts that tear her heart.

Her own concerns, they do not cease,

Her joy, it flees, her peace, it seizes.

She's trapped in thoughts, so dark and deep,

Her childhood happiness, she cannot keep.

Oh, how she wishes to be free,

To laugh and play, wild and carefree.

But alas, her thoughts, they bind her fast,

And happiness, it seems so far past.

So she endures, with a heavy heart,

Her own sorrows, they do not depart.

And though she helps others, with a smile,

Her own life, it is but a trial.

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