1. On The Rocks

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"I only see you,"
-Tunnel Vision, Justin Timberlake

🗓️2nd December 2022
📌Perth, Australia

Daniel Ricciardo is an enigma. I can't keep my eyes off him as he bounces from person to person, drink in hand voice deep, thick (and somehow familiar) as he makes self depreciating jokes and quiet questions around life here in Perth. He's not been here properly for a while - it's a line I've heard him say a handful of times with differing degrees if distain. I feel drawn to him, even when I'm in deep conversation with Indie or pulled into a wider group conversation, my eyes are seeking him out. I'm tilting my body so that even when I'm not staring in intrigue he's there, somewhere in the periphery.

Everyone here knows Daniel. His presence is nothing new and certainly nothing too exciting. Other than him actually being able to attend an event like this, when he usually misses everything if the sort, his presence is the norm. They've all grown up with him, had years together where he wasn't the superstar racing driver with the famous smile that the world knows so well. That's the version that I know. Their version of him was quieter, homelier and allegedly a lot more clunky and dorky. I don't know that Daniel. I never had the pleasure of meeting him before now - if you could even class this as a meeting. My friend's version of Daniel is so different to the man in the dark grey linen shirt and short combo who sips whisky sours with an intermittent scowl on his face.

I know it's a whisky sour. He's carrying around the glass I specifically picked out for the cocktail when designing the menu two weeks ago. Michael and Nadia's bespoke cocktails for their engagement party are made up of three simple choices; A spicy margarita, dirty martini and whisky sour. Each cocktail has their own glass which Codie was instructed not to stray from if possible.

So when he confuses the triangular spicy margarita glass with the rounder lipped dirty martini one as he serves Nadia another drink it gives me the perfect excuse to join his side. As soon as I arrived Codie's side he raises his arms in surrender, admitting the mistake wordlessly. 'You get too hung up on the little details Georgie' he had already complained when I had stressed about the glasses only two hours ago at the start of the party. And Codie could be right, but paying attention to the little details with my business has worked well for me up to now and I'm not about to change that. "I didn't say anything." Is all I say with a glance in his direction, giving my attention to the off center menu on its mini canvas stand. Codie just snorts at my words.

"Didn't need to." He replies, entertainment dancing in his words. "Won't happen again Boss." Codie adds with another entertained twitch of his lips, I only nod in acceptance. From up here you can see everything better.

The hot golden sun has dipped beyond the horizon of the land which is so vast that I couldn't see the end of it if I tried. The burnt orange clay ground is littered with trees and various plots of thinning grass. Despite the beauty of the surrounding area in the darkening twilight hours it's still the house that stands out.

The thing is huge and lonesome, and yet it fits right in with its surroundings looking the perfect mix between rustic and modern with its sleek pool and tiled wrap around porch area which is dotted with warm fairy lights and signs of congratulations in honour of the party. Various chairs line the area along with bundles of cosy fleece blankets for when the cold darkness hits and people need extra layers. For now, the two glowing fire pits on the hard ground is enough to keep everyone warm.

The whole place puts my own home to shame. My place doesn't come with views as good as this. For outdoor furniture the most I can offer is my apartment balcony which comes complete with a pillow stolen from the couch inside. I'm yet to grab anything more substantial even after a year of moving in to the place. Between work and Emmy I've barely had time to breathe or sleep, much less shop for furniture that I don't have time to use.

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