20. Bitters

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"Knew I couldn't fight it but I tried" - Treason, Tinashe

The next few weeks continued much of the same. My nights and days were consumed with the bar, redecorating, ordering new stock and serving at events booked in the months before signing the lease. In the hours spare I spent time with Daniel. On the brighter days we explored his farm, riding quad bikes around the land, lounging around the pool or watching crappy television. He trained himself strictly, running a little further every third day and lifting heavier weights each week than the one before keeping to a tight meal plan. He wants to make sure that the test drives he has in the car come with a good performance and he's been putting in the work to make that happen. In the other hours spare I spent time with Lucas. The two of us have tested menus in other bars, explored beaches and had cosy nights in - often helping to decorate his new flat or lazing around and stripping off our clothes in mine. As stressful and busy as the days have been I couldn't complain at all.

"So when you said your 'friend' Daniel I should tell you, it took me a while to realise you meant Daniel Ricciardo." Lucas had admitted earlier before lacing a kiss to my cheek as we entered Daniel's driveway. The flight to Monaco is in the early hours of the morning and for ease Daniel suggested that I stay the night after a quiet birthday barbecue with our friends. Despite my tentative invite Lucas's direction he was thrilled, offering to take me and my stuffed suitcase to Daniel's place without so much of a second thought. "Obviously it clicked after a week or two but..." Lucas continued, looking almost sheepish that he didn't realise sooner before gesturing to the home infront of us with wide eyed.

I get it. Or at least, I get what he's trying to say.

I guess it would makes sense, I don't refer to Daniel as Daniel Ricciardo. Only Daniel. So many of our mutual friends do the same, because his presence has grown that normal to us all. Although I understand why Lucas was so taken aback by Daniel being Daniel, especially when I was so openly gaping at his existence in this very place six months ago.

"It's not a big deal." Is the only explanation I could offer. Lucas just hummed sounding unconvinced.

"Maybe it's a big deal when his birthday gift to you is a trip to Europe." Is all Lucas lightly offered in reply. There was nothing frustrated or suspicious laced into the words. Yet still, the sentence left me wide eyed and wordless as we pulled to a stop with Daniel waving in greeting from the barbecue at the rear of the porch.

What ensued had to be some of the most nerve wracking and awkward moments of my life. Lucas and Daniel met in an awkward 'man hug' repeating the word 'alright' in greeting to each other whilst slapping eachother in the back. I was glad for Zoe who broke up the interaction, pulling us inside to help prepare food for the barbecue whilst grinning and sending a tense glance my way. The initial moments felt so awkward, the two men seeming to size eachother up, unwilling to ease until the other did. Then Daniel cracked a smile, offered Lucas a beer and it seemed as though they had always known each other.

"What are the plans for Monaco?" Nadia asks brightly, the red wine in her glass swirling onto the edge. Almost everyone else has drained theirs, the group of us stuffed too full of meat, salad and bread to move an inch. Daniel had done nothing but be a fantastic host to the eight of us, keeping drinks topped up and grilling everything on the outside terrace.

I look to Daniel for guidance on his plans. I've had a hands off approach to the trip, allowing him to take the lead entirely. He told me what occasions to pack for and instructed me on what would be happening and when. Work has taken up too much of my time, and in the spare hours I have had I just wanted to sleep or do nothing that requires thought. Plus,Daniel knows so much more than me about Monaco, given that he lived there for year after year. He'd be able to come up with better ideas than I ever could.

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