25. Turn

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"Distance, inches in between us, I want you to give in," -Shameless, Camilla Cabello

After a night of interrupted sleep and two days of travel I decided that drinking maybe wasn't the best idea tonight. So, after a (questionable) dirty martini that cost a little too much (€40) and a watery vodka sprite that I sipped at out of thirst more than want, I made the decision to move onto water. Lando had groaned in disapproval when I returned from the bar with the water in hand but he quickly shut up as I waved him away assuring him it wouldn't stop any fun.

After fifteen minutes I was proved to be right. Without Daniel's tense stares or begrudging sighs I finally felt myself relax! After a song I felt my shoulders unwinding, the smile on my face a little looser than before. After another three songs I joined Lando on the dancefloor, the two of us making a fool out of ourselves to the pop songs playing amongst the crowd of people that seemed oblivious to (or maybe just unbothered by) his presence. He seemed to bask in the lack of attention, laughing loudly amongst his friends as we sang along to Dua Lipa and Kylie songs. I'd already pointed out how surprised I was by the singing, I thought he'd be too cool for all that (at 23 I certainly thought I was).

I'm grinning like an idiot, posing for pictures that Lando had decided to take with his camera for the evening when my wrist is suddenly grasped. The grin is almost instantly grabbed from my expression, replaced with an alarmed feeling to match the sudden racing of my heart in my chest. Warm fingers grip me, a spark of heat shooting up my arm which has me jolting in place. It's only the lack of alarm on Lando's face which makes me feel better (if anything he looks entertained by the pull at my hand). I'm blinded by the club lighting, the flurry of white and orange lights blinding me until blink my eyes into focus.

"We need to talk." Is all Daniel says, voice low as he pulls at me. When I don't move and simply stand in place, gaping at him the grip loosens a little, as if to indicate I have a choice in this. Is this seriously happening? Daniel frowns when I make no move to follow him, grip softening further until his fingers are nothing but a whisper against me. Despite the warm air in the room without Daniel's skin against mine I'm suddenly cooler. Is it possible to miss his touch when I've barely felt it?

"I don't think we do." We've barely exchanged five words today, I don't see why we would need to now. I'm finally beginning to relax, my shoulders loose and the anxious pressure lifting from my chest. I don't need this right now. Lando's eyes are on us, I can see as he speaks with Blake, his eyes have been dropping to us with every other word he says - much like what feels like every other person in the room, as if people know they're witnessing something they shouldn't. At the denial Daniel's shoulders slump. What did he expect? Why is he even here?

"Georgina..." the roll of my name on his lips knocks the frown from mine. "Please?" The pleaded word is softer too. I barely catch it over the loud thrum of the music, but I could hear Daniel's voice anywhere.

Maybe that's the problem.

I find myself nodding hesitantly, the weak agreement all that Daniel needed for his hold on my wrist to return. I'm pulled along by Daniel's strong hands, guided through the mess of bodies packed into the club before I can fully respond or comprehend where we're heading. Or maybe it's before I change my mind.

The cooler night air hits my chest like a slap and has me heaving in the air I've been missing since Daniel's arrival. Was I holding my breath since that first tug on my wrist? It feels like I was holding my breath, my chest burning as Daniel turns to face me and finally releases my wrist from his hold. I miss his touch already.

"I thought you were staying in tonight?" It's the only thing I can think to say in the quieter night air, the only thing in my mind and has been since I turned to find him gripping my wrist. Daniel said he was staying home, was practically disgusted at the possibility of coming here tonight. He huffed when I said I would join and frowned when I presented myself dressed in the kitchen a mere hour and a half ago. Ninety minutes - that's all it took for him to get bored and come here?

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