17. Champagne

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"You should be here with me." - Five Star Hotels, Raye

"Codie this is a bad idea." I can't wipe the smile from my face even as I say the words. Codie is grinning too, the two of us too excited for any other expression. My heart flutters for what feels like the hundredth time with complete pride and excitement. A bar that's mine! I could cry and yell and laugh with the excitement - all at the same time.

"It's not a bad idea!" Codie assures, grinning almost as wide as me.

"Who takes their boss out for dinner?" I ask jokingly, my heart still beating with a thrilled and excited thrum as I check my phone. Text upon text of congratulations, just not the one I've really been looking out for. Still, I don't let the disappointment hit me.

"For the record, I never said I was paying." Codie points out and I snort shaking my head. He didn't, he just suggested that we celebrate with some food. "But this is huge Georgie, we need to celebrate!" He can't hide his grin and neither can I. Codie's right, this is huge. So huge that I can't quite believe that it's real. I can't believe that the kid I begrudgingly agreed to help out is going to be a bar manager. Of my bar! I swallow the urge to squeal with excitement like a child.

Codie was only supposed to join me at Shaken & Stirred for one event; a wedding I wasn't sure I could handle on my own two years ago now. I was so hesitant to allow him to join at first, lightly encouraged (forced) by Mum to give her friends son a shot when he needed it. Barely 22, fresh from travelling Europe and clueless on how to even hold a cocktail shaker Codie turned up to that first shift. But we gelled so well over those first few hours that the next time I needed help I called him again, and again until I was paying him a bi-weekly wage and he'd taken control of events entirely alone. He was eager to learn and reminded me a lot of the good parts of Jaden at a time when I could only remember the bad. Not only does Codie care, but his playful energy keeps me light in moments I take things too seriously, sometimes when I'm fretting about a minor thing I need that from him (like now). He reminds me to enjoy things as they come and not worry too much about the later.

It only made sense that Codie came along today, my most hardworking and loyal staff member. My friend. It was right that he came along to give the location of the bar the final go-ahead (especially since Daniel couldn't). It was right he was there for the moment I signed on the dotted line - excitement danced on his features as much as mine.

"The hard work is just starting." My voice is almost wary as I point out the fact. So much needs to happen before we can even open doors: marketing, redecoration and new stock are all things that have my stomach in knots when I think about them too hard. All it can take is for one part of the process to go wrong and the whole thing could crumble before I've even started.

What if I don't even get that far?

Nausea knocks the excitement from my body, nerves at the prospect of my dream ending before it's begun rocking my happiness and tearing it away. Codie's fast steps drag me along with him as we walk towards the restaurant. I can't tell if he's oblivious to my nerves or simply refusing to humour them.

"Maybe," is all he hums, hand winding over my shoulder with a comforting squeeze, grounding me with the familiar touch. "but you have to celebrate the wins along the way G." Codie points out, his words leaving no space for questions or queries. Maybe when he puts it like that... "One night to take this in is allowed." He continues and I nod to myself with understanding.

Codie is right: I should enjoy this, it's a big deal! If the next months are going to be filled with unknowns and stress I should enjoy whilst I can.

I coo teasingly in Codies direction, watching as he huffs at me in annoyance, rolling his eyes. He knew this was coming; irritating him gives me a spark of enjoyment I can't get elsewhere. My hand reaches to squeeze his shoulder playfully as I pout. "When did you get so smart?" I poke at him, the question only makes him snort.

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