No new friends?

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Chap 23
Alison's pov
I miss my friends, I hardly see them and school is still boring.

I see Emily the least which is even worst. I get to see Hanna and her satcastic ass all the time, perks of being her roomate

"Hey! I've been looking for you everywhere" Emily says out of breath.

"Why are you so sweaty"

"I've been running, anyways I wanted to know if you'd come with me to lunch"

"You mean like a date"

"Yeah, see you there, meet me at  12" Emily says giving me a kiss on the lips, which I don't think she realized till she pulled away.

"Hola mi amigos"

"Hey Kendall, good luck on your Spanish test" Emily says

"Haha thanks I so got this" she said with a sarcastic tone

"I'll see you two later" she says winking at us and giving Emily a smirk

"Why does everyone do that"

"They ship us"

"Who wouldn't" I respond in a gloating manner

''I'll see you later babe" she slips out of her mouth

"Okay bye... babe"_____

"I don't like her"

"Come on, you guys never even talked"

"That doesn't mean I can't hate her"

"Yes it does"

"She sleeps in the same room as you"

Emilys pov
Alison is basically ranting to me on how much she doesn't like Camilla while we are in my room right now.

"She's a really nice girl, and Hanna sleeps in the same room as you" I say rebutting her 

"So what, Hanna has no intentions"

"I do" I say with a smirk

She smiles
"Yeah, what kind"

Camilla then walks in with her perfect timing

"Hello, ladies, Em I brought you your coffee"

She said handing me the cup


Alisons pov

Wow Camilla, what perfect ass timing. Her and Emily were making small talk, "Camz I'd love to stay and hang out with you more but I have a date right now"

Wait. Right now. As in this very minute?

"Cmon Ali" she gestures reaching for my hand. We intertwine our fingers and head out the door

"Bye Emily... bye Alison"

"Later" Emily shouts I didn't respond to her

"I don't see what your deal is, but I'm not gonna get mad cause jealous Ali is sexy"
"I'm not jealous!"

"You always say that when you are jealous"

It's about 2:30 and I guess we're having lunch from what she said earlier. 

"Are we there yet"

"Are you seriously back to this"

"I'm a girl who likes horizontal running" I say quoting pitch perfect and making Emily laugh

I got really tired after 2 minutes so I jumped on Emilys back

"What are you doing" she said laughing

"You're giving me a piggy back ride"

"Uh, no I'm not"

"Fine" I sat on the floor


"Gimme a piggy back ride"

"Get your lazy ass up"

I get up and she started running

"What the fuck"

I go after her and shortly after this everlasting walk I see a blanket on the floor with food all around it. There's one thing missing, I should say person

"Emily where the fuck are you"

I know she's hiding around here somewhere

I turned around and saw her standing right behind me, which gave me a fucking heart attack, god she scared the shit out of me

"Oh my god, hahaha, you should've seen your face"

"No, you suck"

"Shut up, you love me"

"You still suck though"

She wrapped her arms around my waist and whispered into my ear "I know"

"Emily Fields"

"Alison Dilaurentis" she said mocking my tone

She sat on the blanket and motioned me to sit with her. "Remember that time you left me" she randomly brings up. "Em, I had no choice, but yeah I remember"

"Why didn't you keep in touch"

"I guess it hurt" I say truthfully

"No. What hurt was I thought I wasn't good enough,  I was such a mess"

"I know and I'm so sorry, but I'm back now, aren't you glad that I am"

"Of course I am. I just don't think our lives will ever go back to how it was"

"We hardly see each other"

"We're here together now" she said standing up I got up and she wrapped her arms at the back of my neck

"So will you be mine again?"

"I've always been yours" I say planting a kiss on her lips. She moved her hands from my neck and places them on my waist picking me up and spinning me around.  "I really love you and you know what I mean, so-"

"Will you be my girlfriend again"

She gave me a questioning look since I cut her off

"I wanted to ask first this time"

"Nice excuse, I'd love to be your girlfriend again"

''So, girlfriend'' I smirked ''What would you like to do now?'' she leaned in and I thought she would kiss my lips, she kissed my forehead ''I am not taking advantage of you'' she whispered in my ear 

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