2| Seven Minutes

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Chanel's Pov
/Shuh • nel//

Chanel's Pov/Shuh • nel//

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10 years ago

The place was roaring with applause and wild music. Dance floor was flooded with drunken teens. The air reeks with a mixture of alcohol, sweat and cigars.

On one side a couple was enjoying, making out in the pool while on the other people were busy playing beer pong.

To some up , everybody was high on enjoying the last night of their sophomore year.

Sam's parents were out of town and what better can be made out of the situation than throwing a giant house party right?

Most of the crowd was from our school except for a few faces which I have never seen before.

Like the person who I was staring at right now, making our 5th eye contact of the evening. Everytime I look into his direction he looks at mine, our eyes meet and they linger on each other for a few extra seconds than necessary.

He was dressed in a casual navy colored shirt. The sleeves of which were rolled to his elbows, adding the extra edge to his overall look.

Staring at me ,he archs his brow ever so casually along with the raise of his bourbon bottle towards me in a cheer, before taking it back to his smirked lips.

I immediately looked away and focused on my friends instead. We all were standing in a group. Few of us slouched on the couch while others resting against the railing.

"Never have I ever, moaned the wrong name in bed" Alex snickered.

A few of them hoot over this.

"Ohh!! Rachel" Logan mimicked and everyone burst into laughter.

No Miles was hurt in the process lol.

We all were laughing and gossiping about who was into whom until Sam announced
"Boys and girls brace yourselves because the shit is about to get spicy!! Its time for 'Seven minutes in heaven'!!"

The crowd roared with excitement.

Seven minutes in heaven, a game where two people are chosen to spend 7 minutes alone in a dark, enclosed space. During this time, the two can do whatever they mutually wish.

I look to my right towards Trisha who was staring at me with puppy eyes. I know what that look means.
"No No No! Absolutely not, I am not doing that shit!" I exclaimed.
"Oh Comeon Chanel, its a party, we are here for fun and please don't tell me you are sacred."

Scared? Scared my foot. Its just not my type of thing, sharing seven minutes with a drunk teen that too in a closed sphere. Doesn't sound interesting now, Does it?

Nevertheless, Trisha dragged me into the hall where all the people who wish to play were gathered. My eyes wandered across the crowd to see who all were present but halted when they caught a familiar figure.

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