Chapter 9:Nearly There

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*One thing, I apologise/apologize for sometimes not putting the American spelling, but I'm in Australia, and sometimes I don't know, so please don't come with flaming objects storming my home and burning it down.;-;*

'Two more,' Crystal beamed. Melody nodded, as she smiled shyly a bit. They were crawling through the vent again, and Cloudy stopped, frozen in her tracks. 'Why did you stop? What happened?' Crystal questioned. Cloudy shivered, unease growing in her stomach.

'Melody? Any idea what that fluorescent light is?' Cloudy whispered. Melody shrugged. 'Let's go check it out then!' Cloudy sighed. She couldn't stop thinking of the haiku. What was wrong with her? Is it her or everybody? Cloudy couldn't understand. It was growing and spreading out its darkness. Melody snapped Cloudy out of her trance. All thanks to Crystal, who screamed. Cloudy nervously giggled, and soon when they were pondering and mucking around in that room, The Beast were near them.


'Melody! Do you hear that?' We need to go!' Crystal pleaded. Melody pushed them into the vent, and hid behind the laptop. The Beast, not sensing anyone, grumbled in disgust and marched out the door.

'Oh. My. GOD!' Melody screamed. 'HE DIDN'T SEE ME?! WOAH!CoOl!'

Cloudy narrowed her eyes at Melody, while Melody shrugged like she never knew what happened and just barged in at the right time(out of nowhere).

'It was so close, Melody. You were lucky her wasn't bothered to look everywhere. Remember that time when he found Crystal behind a table? He was looking everywhere.' Cloudy reminded Melody. Melody nodded, and wrote down FOURTH COMPUTER-FINISHED. 2 COMPUTERS LEFT.

Crystal was completely mortified, as Cloudy recalled Crystal's memory of The Beast finding her. She went still, like a stone pillar, and slipped into a trance. Melody and Cloudy couldn't snap her out of it. She was just... creepily not moving. What is wrong with her? Is she ok?

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