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And so it finally ends....

The Last Day
Jake listened as Jaylnn cried in his room. Their rooms were right across from each other, so Jake could hear Jaylnn murmuring to himself.

He tried his best to block out the cries of his little brother. Jake heard a glass bottle shatter, and he pictured his father sitting on the old couch, his head slung to the side, not realizing the bottle was slowly slipping from his grasp.

Jake imagined the tiny pieces of dark glass bouncing off of the wooden floor. Jaylnn's cries grew louder.


Jake once again held the rope in his hands. He locked his door but left the window blinds up. He looked up at his ceiling fan. He hoped it was strong enough to hold his body.

He began to tie the rope, and it soon transformed into a noose. He pulled at it to make sure everything stayed in place. He then moved a chair so it was directly under the ceiling fan. Jake stood on it, using it so he was tall enough to tie the rope around the metal bar connecting the fan to the ceiling.

After he finished, he looked around his room. His window gave sight to him standing on his chair, so anyone on the sidewalk could see him. Someone would most likely see his body. But that's not why he put his blinds up; he wanted to look at the trees one more time before he ended his life.

With his eyes closed, he put the noose over his head. It scratched at his neck. He opened his eyes and stared at the trees. His eyes began to water and he screamed. Even when Jaylnn started yelling for him to open the door, Jake continued to scream. His throat burned, but he didn't care.

Jaylnn was trying to open the door, yelling and pounding filled the silent house. Jake took a deep breath, his hands shaking as he fisted his shirt and bit his lip. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. In. Out. In.

Out. And...

He kicked the chair from underneath his feet.

Jaylnn finally broke the door, obviously too late. When he saw his brother, limp and hanging from the ceiling fan, he simply walked out of the room, ignoring the paper in Jake's back pocket, and called the police.


After the rope was tied, tires squealed on the driveway and the tiny wheels of a suitcase rolled down the pavement.

Yours Truly,
Quiet Observer.

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